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Councilmember Mills: <br />asked staff respond to the Logan Neighborhood Association's request for the City <br />to remove a burned -out building on the northwest corner of Lincoln and <br />Washington; <br />clarified the November 20, 1995 Council vote reallocated the $300,000 Santa Ana <br />2000 Scholarship Fund by giving $100,000 to the Scholarship Fund (in addition <br />to $600,000 the City had already set aside) and $200,000 to the City's Library <br />programs; and <br />explained this action was designed to address urgent Library budget problems and <br />to benefit both college and K-12 students. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Richardson: <br />- reported that the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) won a California <br />School Board Association Golden Bell Award for SAUSD's Healthy Tomorrows <br />Program, a health screening program provided at Santa Ana elementary schools; <br />- noted that SAUSD has won more Golden Bell Awards than any school district in <br />the state; <br />- announced a Historic French Park Model Block Open House at the 900 block of <br />North French Street was scheduled for December 6, 1995 at 3:00 p.m., and <br />- requested the Mayor adjourn the meeting in memory of recently deceased Harvey <br />Nienow, a Santa Ana resident and patent attorney who served on the Boys & <br />Girls Club Board of Directors for 20 years. <br />Councilmember McGuigan reported on her attendance at a National League of Cities (NLC) <br />session on Disaster Training and the Oklahoma City bombing incident, then asked City Manager <br />Ream to provide Council with a report on Santa Ana's disaster preparedness program. In <br />response to McGuigan's query, Planning & Building Executive Director Uptegraff announced <br />that a staff presentation on the non -judicial board review process for code violations was on the <br />January 2, 1996 Council meeting agenda. McGuigan delivered her annual holiday greetings and <br />message to drive safely. <br />Councilmember Moreno indicated he was going on vacation and would be absent from the <br />December 18, 1995 City Council meeting, and wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy <br />New Year. <br />Mayor Pulido cited several NLC sessions he found highly informative and suggested tapes of the <br />sessions be made available to interested Councilmembers. Pulido also asked staff to investigate <br />the feasibility of replicating a Dallas, Texas program that provides playgrounds in areas short on <br />open space by temporarily closing off public streets at certain times for neighborhood recreational <br />activities. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 354 DECEMBER 4, I995 <br />