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<br />Partnerships with the Employment Development Department (EDD) and <br />Economic Development are already in place. Teams can be pulled together <br />quickly and are proactive. Information sharing methods are in place to avoid <br />duplication of efforts and services. The Orange County Regional Manager of <br />EDD sits on the Santa Ana WIB and the Santa Ana one-stop houses a <br />complete Job Services Division. The Local Workforce Investment Area of <br />Santa Ana is administered by the City's Economic Development Division and <br />the Santa Ana WORK Center (one-stop) director also has a seat on the WIB. <br />These relationships have resulted better communication, coordination and <br />delivery of services at the one-stop. <br /> <br />d. How the Local Board measures the satisfaction of business services <br />and how the data are used to improve services. <br /> <br />Evaluation of business services is being developed as part of the WIB's <br />strategic plan. Additional marketing efforts are being considered as it is still <br />clear that not nearly enough local businesses are aware of the WIB, the one- <br />stop and the business services available to them. A plan to increase joint <br />marketing efforts with the City's Economic Development Division is in the <br />works. Testimonials from business will be obtained to use in these marketing <br />efforts as well as additional outreach efforts and communication venues will <br />be explored. The one-stop will revive its employer survey in order to <br />document business satisfaction. Currently the Business Services staff report <br />employer satisfaction is "good" based on feedback they get from businesses <br />but do not document it sufficiently. This will be a top priority in the next year. <br /> <br />2. The State Board's vision for Lifelong Learning states: "The vision for <br />lifelong learning, in the context of workforce development, is to enable <br />current and future workers to continually acquire the knowledge, skills, <br />and abilities required to be successful in the workplace." <br /> <br />a. Describe how the Local Board is addressing lifelong learning, in the <br />context of workforce development, through collaborative policy and <br />planning. <br /> <br />The Santa Ana WIB is a strong proponent of lifelong learning. Efforts to <br />provide relevant services through agency collaborations with the Rancho <br />Santiago Community College District, the Regional Occupational Training <br />Program and the Employment and Training Panel are in place. As a partner, <br />the community college provides a wide array of employer services that can be <br />tapped into by employers to provide lifelong learning to their employees <br />including a large variety of college classes which can be customized for each <br />employer's needs and computer based internet courses at their ACT Center <br />which has over 2,500 courses. Their ability to analyze an employer's needs <br />and build a curriculum around those needs makes them a valuable partners <br />and strong proponent of lifelong learning. The Business Services Staff work <br /> <br />FWIAD05-19D <br /> <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />190-14 <br /> <br />6/06 <br />