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<br />will prepare them to enter the workforce with the exact skills required by <br />businesses. Once implemented, it is expected to become a national model. <br /> <br />C. Additional Required Elements - The following elements were not included <br />in the Initial/Supplemental Planning Narrative or the one-year extension for <br />Program Year 2005-06, but are required in Local Plans. <br /> <br />1. How will your Local Board ensure continuous improvement of eligible <br />providers of services through the system and ensure that such providers <br />meet the employment needs of local employers and participants? [WIA <br />Section 118(b)(2)(A)] <br /> <br />A Vocational Training report card is already in place for eligible training providers <br />and is used by case managers when a customer is considering training. This is <br />updated regularly so it is always current. Placement outcomes are used to <br />determine if they are performing and meeting employers' needs. Only <br />occupations listed on the Demand Occupation List are allowable for training of <br />WIA customers. All programs and services are monitored both fiscally and <br />programmatically each year and technical assistance is provided as needed. <br />Programs not meeting the qualifications are eliminated. The one-stop and youth <br />providers are all competitively procured and evaluated annually to determine <br />performance. Those not performing up to standards are not refunded. New <br />program operators are regularly added to ensure the widest possible range of <br />services to engage Santa Ana's young people. Additionally, monthly meetings <br />are held with both the youth program operators and the Youth Council where <br />performance is continually reviewed. <br /> <br />2. If your Local Board has entered into an agreement with another area <br />(including another Local Board that is a city or county within the same <br />labor market) to payor share the cost of educating, training, or placing <br />individuals participating in programs assisted under Title I of WIA, <br />including provision of supportive services, provide copy of your approved <br />agreement. [WIA Section 195(3)(8)] <br /> <br />Santa Ana and Anaheim WIBs received a joint 15% grant (Santa Ana is the <br />fiscal agent) to provide training and placement services to 125 adults and <br />displaced workers from the manufacturing sector. A copy of the agreement is <br />included. <br /> <br />Also Santa Ana, Anaheim and Orange County WIBs will be entering into a joint <br />agreement to serve recently separated veterans with Orange County acting as <br />the fiscal agent. A copy of the contract will be attached if it is available. <br /> <br />FWIAD05-19D <br /> <br />Page 7 of 8 <br /> <br />6/06 <br /> <br />190-16 <br />