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<br />3. Is your Local Board providing training services that are made as <br />exceptions to the Individual Training Account process? If so, describe the <br />process you used to procure and justify these exceptions. This process <br />must include a 30-day public comment period for interested providers. [20 <br />CFR Sections 661.350(a)(5) and (10) and 20 CFR Section 663.430(a)] <br /> <br />N/A <br /> <br />4. Priority of Service - What local policies and strategies are in place to <br />ensure that, pursuant to the Jobs for Veterans Act (P.L.107-288)(38 USC <br />4215), priority of service is provided to veterans (and certain spouses) who <br />otherwise meet the eligibility requirements for all employment and training <br />programs funded by the Department of Labor, in accordance with the <br />provisions of TEGL 5-03 (9/16/03/)? Include in your discussion how this <br />policy is shared with all of the One-Stop Career Center partners and if/how <br />you conduct outreach to veterans and veteran organizations to encourage <br />use of One-Stop Career Center services. <br /> <br />Santa Ana's "Priority of Services" policy was modified and finalized in March <br />2005 to include veterans and certain spouses in accordance with TEGL 5-03 and <br />distributed to all one-stop center staff. The one-stop in Santa Ana houses three <br />EDD veteran representatives who take the lead on serving qualified veterans <br />and certain spouses, which enables them to receive services quickly. Outreach <br />to veterans occurs on a regular basis and there is daily collaboration between <br />case managers and vet reps. A new grant which focuses on recently separated <br />veterans will be jointly implemented by Santa Ana, Anaheim and Orange County <br />WIBs/one-stops in PY06-07. Those contracts are currently being drawn up. <br /> <br />FWIAD05-19D <br /> <br />Page 8 of 8 <br />190-17 <br /> <br />6/06 <br />