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<br />LAND USE ELEMENT <br /> <br />Revised (adoption date) <br /> <br /> <br />Table A-4 indicates the development possible under the build-out of the <br />Land Use Plan. The build-out for residential land uses considered two <br />scenarios. Effective build-out for residential development is calculated by <br />adding the 3,232 units possible in the areas designated as District Center to <br />the existing 74,588 units presently found in the City. Theoretical build-out for <br />residential development considered the development possible if all of the <br />areas designated as residential were developed according to the permitted <br />Land Use Plan intensities. Since the Land Use Element does not <br />contemplate the elimination of existing housing in the City, the effective <br />build-out figure represents a more realistic estimate of future residential <br />development. <br /> <br />As indicated in Table A-4, four of the non-residential land use designations <br />have a range in FAR intensities. For the non-residential land use <br />designations, effective build-out considered the development possible under <br />the lower range of FAR intensities while theoretical build-out considered the <br />upper FAR range. Typically, parking and landscaping requirements will <br />result in significantly less floor area for commercial and industrial <br />developments than that which is permitted under the General Plan. <br /> <br />As indicated in Table A-4, between 59,71659,717 to 77,820 housing units <br />are allowed by the Land Use Plan. The additional units which presently <br />exist in the City beyond the maximum number permitted under the <br />theoretical build-out scenario are a reflection of the higher density <br />multiple-family developments constructed in the 1970's and 1980's. <br />However, the purpose of the Land Use Plan as its applies to the residential <br />areas is to preserve and maintain the stability of existing neighborhoods, <br />regardless of the character of development. The intent of the Plan is not to <br />create any displacement, nor decrease existing development densities. <br />Rather, it is to ensure a safe, healthy, and livable environment for City <br />residents. Existing residential development entitlements are protected <br />through this Land Use Element, applicable Zoning regulations, and <br />sections of the City code pertaining to legal nonconforming uses. <br /> <br />The Land Use Element's implementation may result in an increase in the <br />amount of commercial, office, and industrial development in the City. As <br />indicated in Table A-4 up to 54,552,017 square feet of commercial and office <br />development, and 44,891,128 square feet of industrial development are <br />possible under the effective capacity parameters of Land Use Plan. <br /> <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />A-30 <br />758-19 <br />