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NS-2725 - Relating to Shopping Cart Containment
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2006 (NS-2707 - NS-2730)
NS-2725 - Relating to Shopping Cart Containment
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(c) To detach the sign or deface the name or address marked on a sign, <br />which is properly marked on a shopping cart in conformity with this article. <br />(d) This section shall not apply to shopping carts removed as authorized by <br />the owner for the purposes of repair, maintenance or disposal. <br />Sec. 33-216. Mandatory shopping cart control plan. <br />(a) Every owner subject to this article shall prepare, submit, implement and <br />comply with the terms and conditions of a shopping cart control plan to prevent the <br />unauthorized removal of any shopping cart from the owner's premises and, if removed, <br />retrieval of the shopping cart within time periods set forth in subsection (b)(8), below. <br />The focus of the plan shall be on means to confine shopping carts to the owner's <br />premises. <br />(b) The shopping cart control plan shall be designed to effectively prevent the <br />removal of all shopping carts from the premises. The owner shall have the obligation to <br />provide demonstrable evidence to the director that the elements proposed will be <br />effective. The plan shall include the following elements. <br />(1) Sign affixed to cart. Every shopping cart shall have a sign permanently <br />affixed to it fully compliant with the requirements of section 33-213 of this <br />article. <br />(2) Premises signage. Signs shall be placed and maintained on the <br />premises, as required by section 33-214. <br />(3) Shopping cart inventory. The plan shall include a complete list of all <br />shopping carts maintained on or in the premises. <br />(4) Community education plan. A description of a community education and <br />outreach program to be carried out by the owner that will effectively inform <br />customers that the removal of shopping carts from the premises is <br />prohibited and is a violation of state and local law. This program may <br />include, but is not limited to, flyers distributed at the premises, warnings on <br />shopping bags, supplemental signage, direct mail, announcements using <br />intercom systems at the premises, web site or other means demonstrated <br />to be effective to the reasonable satisfaction of the director. <br />(5) Shopping cart identification. Signs and shopping cart identification <br />requirements which conform to state and local law. <br />(6) Shopping cart containment plan. The plan shall describe the specific <br />measures that the owner shall implement to prevent shopping cart from <br />being removed from the premises. These measures may include, but are <br />not limited to: <br />Ordinance No. NS-2725 <br />Page 6 of 13 <br />
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