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NS-2725 - Relating to Shopping Cart Containment
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2006 (NS-2707 - NS-2730)
NS-2725 - Relating to Shopping Cart Containment
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1/3/2012 1:00:48 PM
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10/4/2006 3:58:01 PM
City Clerk
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<br />(i) <br /> <br />electronic or other disabling devices on the shopping carts <br />so they can not be removed from the premises; or, <br /> <br />(ii) <br /> <br />bollards, chains or other physical barrier to prevent <br />transporting shopping carts out of the store or off the <br />premises; and/or, <br /> <br />(iii) effective management practices including use of <br />(A) courtesy clerks to accompany customers and return the <br />shopping carts to the store, (6) security personnel assigned <br />the responsibility to prevent removal; (C) or other measures <br />acceptable to the director that the owner can demonstrate <br />will effectively prevent shopping cart to be removed from the <br />premises. <br /> <br />Where physical improvements such as (i) and (ii) above are not proposed, <br />the plan shall include justification for such omission. <br /> <br />(7) Employee training. The plan shall include a description of an annual <br />ongoing employee training program that shall be implemented by the <br />owner designed to educate new and existing employees on the shopping <br />cart control plan and conditions contained therein. <br /> <br />(8) Mandatory shopping cart retrieval element. The plan shall include <br />provisions for retrieval of abandoned Shopping carts. The plan shall <br />ensure that all of owner's Shopping care removed from the premises shall <br />be recovered within 24 hours, or in the case of shopping carts abandoned <br />at or around a bus stop, within 12 hours. <br /> <br />The retrieval element shall identify the streets and bus stops which shall <br />be patrolled; the manner, frequency and times of such patrols; and the <br />procedures to be employed by the owner to retrieve abandoned Shopping <br />carts, including but not limited to the number of trucks and hours of <br />operation of retrieval activities. In addition, the retrieval element shall <br />detail a telephone notification program, whereby persons may notify the <br />owner of an abandoned shopping cart and request retrieval of any <br />shopping cart properly identified as belonging to the owner; and provide <br />that each vehicle used to retrieve shopping carts shall bear conspicuous <br />signs identifying the name of the owner or the retail business name and, if <br />applicable, the name of the contract shopping cart retrieval service. <br /> <br />(9) Daily cart confinement. A plan for storing Shopping carts during non- <br />business hours, for any business which is not open 24 hours per day, to <br />prevent theft when closed. <br /> <br />(10) Collaboration with other businesses. Two or more retail establishments <br />located within the same shopping or retail center or sharing a common <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2725 <br />Page 7 of 13 <br />
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