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NS-2725 - Relating to Shopping Cart Containment
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2006 (NS-2707 - NS-2730)
NS-2725 - Relating to Shopping Cart Containment
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1/3/2012 1:00:48 PM
Creation date
10/4/2006 3:58:01 PM
City Clerk
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parking area may collaborate and submit a single shopping cart control <br />plan. <br />(11) Monthly reports. The owner shall provide a written report to the director <br />specifying the number of abandoned shopping carts retrieved on the <br />owner's behalf during the preceding calendar month. The report may be <br />provided by an owner's contract shopping cart retrieval service <br />Sec. 33-217. Fees. <br />Every owner subject to this article shall submit with its initial proposed plan and <br />thereafter annually with its annual report a fee in the amount set forth by resolution of <br />the city council adopted from time to time. The fee shall not exceed the city's <br />reasonable cost to administer and manage the activities mandated by this article, and <br />shall not include the city's cost of retrieving shopping carts, except as provided for in <br />Business and Professions Code section 22435.7. <br />Sec. 33-218. Plan approval or denial and penalties. <br />(a) Upon this article becoming effective, all owners shall submit a shopping <br />cart control plan in compliance with section 33-216 to the director. For the initial plans, <br />the director shall establish a schedule for submittal of plans. The director shall give <br />written notice to each owner of its deadline for submittal of a plan, provided that all <br />plans must be submitted no later than March 1, 2007. The schedule shall provide at <br />least 60 days from notice to submit a plan. The director may approve or deny the <br />proposed plan and shall notify the owner of such decision. If approved, the shopping <br />cart control plan shall be implemented by the owner no later than time specified in the <br />approval, which shall not be thirty (30) days less than the date of the director's notice. <br />(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the obligations imposed by this article in <br />sections 33-213 and 33-214 shall be fully implemented no later than ninety (90) days <br />from the effective date of this article. <br />(c) Thereafter, each owner must amend or update its plan at the earlier of (1) <br />any substantial modification of an owner's business or premises that would adversely <br />affect an approved plan or (2) on the fifth (5th) anniversary of approval of its initial plan, <br />and each fifth (5th) year thereafter. All new businesses established after January 1, <br />2007 must file a plan prior to issuance of a business license for that new business. <br />(d) The director may deny a plan based upon any of the following grounds: <br />(1) Implementation of the plan violates any provision of the building, zoning, <br />health, safety, fire, police or other provision of this code or any county, <br />state or federal law which substantially affects public health, welfare, or <br />safety; <br />(2) The plan fails to include all of the information required by this article; <br />Ordinance No. NS-2725 <br />Page 8 of 13 <br />
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