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<br />recording techniques. and group projects Participants are assIgned a variety of creative <br />tasks and deadlmes to complete bofu individual and group proJects <br /> <br />Participants are challenged with advanced skills occupational training, leadership <br />development opportunities, and peer volunteer work experience in the program. Incentives <br />include free studio recording hours, access to music industry work experience opportunities <br />and internships, and exposure to entrepreneurships that can lead to paid working <br />opportunitres m fueir respective fields of training and interests. <br /> <br />Main Purpose ofProl!:ram <br />What is the organization Mission Statement? <br /> <br />Mission Statement: CLAMA is a non-profit organizatJon (501-c 3) filed under the State <br />of California, whose mission is to utilize music, Arts and media communication technology <br />in the advancement of the Hispanic community by: <br />_ Empowering, organizmg and promoting bi-linguallbi-cultural professional and aspiring <br />Hispanic talent within their communities. <br />_ ProVIding bi-lingual educational forums and workshops designed for Hispanic adults, <br />children and youth (musical instrument instruction, vocal training, digital recording, music <br />software, workshops and seminars, etc) <br />_ Teach, educate and encourage the artistic needs of Latino children and youth through <br />music and Arts <br />_ Provide positive role-model programs and mentoring to at-risk and adjudicated Latino <br />youth via music and the Arts <br /> <br />Indicate what will the program accomplish. <br />Project RYTMO will expose at-risk and adjudicated youth, who demonstrate artistic <br />potential, to a positive professional environment where they can explore and develop a <br />variety of occupational skills and adult mentoring in music technology. The skills developed <br />by students should be specifically useful for placement in the job market Participants who <br />demonstrate leadership qualities are encouraged to further develop their potential through <br />weekly leadership develoDment curriculum. Since over 35% of our current student <br />participant enrollment are residents of Santa Ana. Project RYTMO will also provide <br />services and referrals to WIA-related partners located in Santa Ana, including partnerships <br />with the Santa Ana Youth Council agencies and W IO/R/K Center. Participants will also <br />receive access to potential work experience. iob shadowing. and valuable paid/unpaid <br />internships. Classes are hands-on and include the study oftopics like: Digital Recording <br />ProductIOn Techniques & Sojtv.'are, Live AudIO/Lighting Technology, Commercial <br />Songvmtmg, The Busmess olMusic, Htp-Hop & Urban Beats, Sound and Vocal <br />Exploration, Film and Television Technology, Video Game Technology, and Artist <br />Performance Skllls. <br /> <br />At the same time, Project RYTMO is committed to teaching life-emiching skills such as <br />goal setting, project planning, group interaction, and disciplined behavior that will help <br />