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<br />prepare our participants for a future career in the music industry or related technical <br />careers. lts Instructors and mentors are made up of highly regarded mInority leaders within <br />the community who have experience working with youth in an educational setting and have <br />powerful professional stories that C01TI1ect with our youth of today. These serve to not <br />only inspire them, but more importantly, exnose and eqUiD youth for the job market. <br />including higher educational opportunities to further enhance their lives, family and <br />cOlmnunitres. <br /> <br />What is the length of the program? <br /> <br />Occupational Training (mandatory) is 12-weeks in music technology software and <br />digital recording techniques, <br /> <br />Adult Mentoring (mandatory) is a minimum of l2-monfus from date of enrollment <br />through end the program <br /> <br />Leadership Development (l2-weeks), Advanced Technical Skills development for <br />qualified participants (l2-weeks), and Work Experience/internships (paid and unpaid, are <br />ongoing). <br /> <br />How often will the WIA participant need to attend the program? <br />(daily/weekly /m onthly) <br />Weeklv: Occupational training (Mandatory): 12-weeks-Tuesday/Thursday, 4-6pm, and <br />Saturday, lOam-l2noon, as necessary. <br />Weeklv: Adult Mentoring, Leadership Development, Soft Skills: Tuesday, 4-6pm, and <br />Saturday, lOam-12noon <br />Weekly: Work Experience, as needed or required from company, employer, internship <br />requirements, etc. <br /> <br />What is the frequency of staff interaction with WIA participant? <br />Staff and adult volunteers maintain a weekly interaction with the participant(s) during <br />class session hours/times. <br />Case managers maintain a minimum l-hour/per week/per participant for case <br />management. Additional time is allowed for participants requiring more urgent or special <br />servIces. <br />Mentors maintain weekly interaction wifu participant for at least one hour/per week/per <br />participant over al2 month period. Mentors usually meet with no more than 2 mentees /per <br />week. <br /> <br />Goals / Obiectives and Performance Levels <br />How many WIA youth will the program serve this year? <br />30-youfu who reside in Santa Ana. <br /> <br />How will service(s) be deemed necessary? <br />According to the National Association for Music Education, music and arts programs <br />help our youfu and communities in real and substantial ways. A recent study conducted <br /> <br />.,,, <br />