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<br />Bow will recruitment be coordinated with program activities? <br />Experience has shown that enrolling youth in occupational skills training and retaining them <br />until completlOn of the program leads to better results There are a number of steps that our <br />program will take to effectively recruit youth and then engage and coordinate wifu program <br />activities <br /> <br />Project RYTMO will make a positive connection with a young person from initial <br />recruitment This includes engaging youfu who can talk positively about programs as peer <br />advocates and recruiters; collaborating with community and faith-based organizations that <br />already work with disadvantaged youth, especially out-of-school youth; and offering staff <br />and youth incentives such as studio recording time in exchange for recruiting new <br />participants Outreach and recruitment strategies will also tap into youfu culture, such as <br />creating music/beats for public service a1TI1ouncements on local radio stations and public <br />television programming that appeal to youfu. <br /> <br />A youth development approach recognizes that the youfu who participate in WlA youth <br />services have diverse backgrounds and experiences and different types of developmental <br />needs. Our recruitment of both at risk and adjudicated youth also allows for a flexible <br />schedule that is adaptable to the needs of the participants. By allowing for Saturday lab <br />hours and studio recording time, participants are encouraged to maintain school activities, <br />working hours or other program-related activities. <br /> <br />GrouD activities and recording allow participants to participate in music production <br />planning activities, create positive interaction, all of which contribute to retention. <br /> <br />Project RYTMO has also coordinated activities that are co-located or c01TI1ected to <br />community centers and Perfonning Arts centers such as the Heritage Forum in Anaheim, in <br />addition to a list of digital recording facilities and businesses that offer a range of <br />recreational, learning, and cultural activities. These activities help for making a successful <br />and attractive program and engaging young people, especially out-of-school youth. <br />Our Individual Service Plan (lSP) plays a critical role in ensuring that a young person stays <br />engaged and completes the program. l2-months of Adult mentorship, one of the ten <br />required program elements, is key to the engagement and retention of youth during their <br />enrollment By pairing participants to a music professional adult mentor, who is both <br />knowledgeable in his/her field of expertise, and trained to work with troubled youth, <br />participants are more likely to remain in the program for an extended period of time <br /> <br />How will current services meet the needs of the WIA performance standards? <br />Project RYTMO's assessment strategies include: a) Objective assessment of academic <br />levels, skill levels and service needs of the participant through T ABE or CASAS for <br />numeric and literacy perfonnance standards, b) A written Pre-test at the begi1TI1ing of the <br />J2-week Occupational Training proVJam, followed by a Post-test, at the conclusion of the <br />program c) Perfonnance- based assessment via both the IndiVIdual Service Plan, <br /> <br />,,; <br />