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<br />monitored by case managers, and artistic perfonnance assessment via the lndividual <br />Creative Plan. monitored by the adult mentoring aspect of the program. <br /> <br />Progress toward skill attaimnent goals are tracked furough case management or follow-up <br />servIces when the goal attainment occurs during the exit quarter Case Managers document <br />all perfonnance goals and progress on a weekly basis. Since participant records are subject <br />to audits, the program ensures that staff receives traming on how to document individual <br />skill achievement and goal attaimnenl Project RYTMO will use all appropriate WIA MIS <br />documents and assessment tools to record and track performance standards. <br /> <br />Describe how applicant plans to deliver academic assistance to raise the skill level of <br />youth who are basic skill deficient. <br />Project RYTMO has developed partnerships with key WlA agencies and programs in <br />Orange County who will provide specific tutoring, study skills, training, and instruction <br />leading to completion of secondary school, including dropout prevention strategies (See <br />Attachmenr "H" Letters of Support). These include Kidworks in Santa Ana, the Orange <br />County Conservation Corp, and the Rio Contiguo School located at the Youth Guidance <br />Center in Santa Ana In addition, RYTMO will form partnerships with other agencies that <br />form part of the Santa Ana Youth CouncillW /OIRlK Center, who provide other youth <br />services for raising skill levels, as required. <br /> <br />Will the participant receive a certificate of completion or accomplishment for <br />participation? <br />Following the initial mandatory l2-week occupational training and mentoring classes, <br />participants will receive a Certificate of Comoletion These are also awarded for any <br />additional services/programs fue participant emolls in, including leadership development, <br />soft skills, internship/work experience, and other advanced technical training classes <br /> <br />How will continuous improvement be conducted? <br />Measurable Obiectives: <br />Project RYTMO has established several mefuods for measuring the obJectives and <br />improvement of each student as well as program outcomes. <br />After being accepted into the program, every student is assigned a case manager. The case <br />manager will work with fue student to develop an Individual Service Plan aSP) - an <br />assessment tool that will be used to set individual program and skill development goals. <br />The lSP is used to evaluate the student's progress for fue duration of the program and must <br />be updated weeklv. Students who demonstrate poor academic skill levels such as those who <br />are numeric or literacy deficient, are referred to local youfu agencies, who can provide <br />tutoring and other services Prior to the development of the ISP, a vvritten "pre-test" is <br />administered to students to determine competency and knowledge of the given subject <br />matter. A comprehensive "post-test" is administered to students at the end of each 12- <br />week program The result provides a simple and effective method of evaluating progress, <br />knowledge retention and general overall improvement <br /> <br />,7 <br />