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<br />Boards assess theIr progress in buildmg youth development systems in their communities. <br />Examples include: successful referral to partner services, the nwnber of employers <br />providing internshIps. and the number of partners with a commitment of funds or m-kind <br />contributions <br /> <br />Pro\:ram Description <br />Describe tbe overall services that will be made available to the WIA participant. <br />Illustrate how fue organization will mterface with the Santa Ana W /O/R/K Center. <br />Describe how the participant flow will occur <br />include thefollowlng categones: <br /> <br />Outreach RecrUitment Ehgibillly DeterminatIOn <br />intake Assessment <br />Case Adanagement <br />Program Services Parent Involvement <br />Placement In Jobs or Continuing EducatIOn <br />Follow-up <br />Outreach / Recruitment / Eligibility Determination: By partnering with the Santa Ana <br />W/O/R/K Center and Santa Ana Youth Council. participants in the program will have <br />access to work-readiness training, soft skills training, and work-related opportunities and <br />experience A primary example of this would be our partnership with the Santa Ana Youth <br />Council, who has already served as a "hub" for potential candidates for Project RYTMO. <br /> <br />If W1A appropriate, the Case manager will begin the registration process by collecting the <br />appropriate documents according to the WlA Eligibility Technical Assistance Guide <br />(TAG), published by the Department of Labor. This is done in order to support the <br />youth's WIA application. For an applicant that is 14-21, a Case Manager will venfy age by <br />using one of the TAG approved documents. This may include: Baptismal, Birth <br />Certificate, Driver's License, U.S. Passport, School Records, Pennanent Resident Card or <br />Alien Registration Card or an unexpired Employment Authorization Document issued by <br />the INS, which contains a photograph The TAG also suggests using verification <br />document(s) that satisfy List A or that satisfy List Band C of the 1-9 form. Once a Case <br />Manager detennines that an applicant is no less than 14 and no more than 21, <br />documentation is collected to determine economic eligibility Using fue TAG, a Case <br />Manager will check to see if the applicant is low-income Among the criteria for low- <br />income is Cash Public Assistance, Family Income (total means of support for family for a <br />period of six months), Foster Child, Homeless, or an Individual with a Disability. The TAG <br />outlines documents that are acceptable for WIA eligibility. In the case of Family Income, <br />documentation is provided for each applicable inclusive income source received by the <br />applicant and each family member for the six-month income period immediately preceding <br />the determination date. It is also necessary to verify family size when utilizing family <br />income eligibility. Again, only TAG approved documents are collected. <br /> <br />Intake / Assessment Project RYTMO has established a method for assessing each <br />student and determining appropriate services. After being accepted into the program, every <br />student is assigned a case manager. The case manager will work with the student to develop <br /> <br />10 <br />