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<br />. <br /> <br />By meeting and filling a vital need in youth who lack a positive and productive <br />artistic expression. This not only keeps them away from destructive activities, but <br />allows for constructive outlets, necessary for building academic skills, life skills and <br />diSCipline, which produce safe and healthy commul11ties <br /> <br />How do you track your outcomes? <br />. Pre Test/Post Test Participants are given a pre-test to detennine their skill level <br />Upon completion of the program, participants are given a post-test to measure skill <br />attainment <br />. Attendance: sign in/sign out sheets <br />. Retention rate Case Managers will make monthly contact with the client to <br />insure quality of service and satisfaction of the program Case Managers will also <br />contact any educational institution, employer, or the EDD UJ Base Wage File <br />employer to obtain retention information. <br />. Certification upon graduation: Project RYTMO issues a certificate of <br />completion to all participants who successfully complete all elements of training. <br />. Employment, work experience and internships: All participants are entered into <br />fue in-house perfonnance tracking system upon emollment As a client progresses <br />tlrrough their service plan - and before exit - the Case Manager will review the file <br />with the management to ensure perfonnance outcomes after exit will be positive. <br />Each quarter after exit, a review of each client's progression toward a positive <br />outcome is assessed If a youfu is employed, a case manager will obtain <br />employment verification. For work experience and internships, pre and posts tests <br />will be administered <br />. T ABE/CASA: These two DOL approved methods of measuring academic outcomes <br />for numeric and literacy testing are used and/or required of the agencies which we <br />partner with, and who provide such services to RYTMO participants. Our case <br />managers supervise and maintain proper case files of students who require such <br />services. <br /> <br />Experience <br />Briefly outline all youth programs that your agency has operated during the last 2 <br /> <br />years. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />"Proiect R.Y.T.M. 0." (Reaching Youth Through Music Opportunities), a <br />Department of Labor funded sub grant tlrrough fue Latino Coalition, was created in <br />2004. This unique program was created to provide occupational training for Latino <br />at risk and adjudicated youth, utilizing music technology and the Arts. The <br />curriculum model is a 12-week course that equips youth for the job market in <br />music technology-related fields. Project RYTMO currently services over 42 youth <br />in Orange County <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Pro-Teen Workshops: was a program designed for 8-12 youth, ages 13-l8 yrs, <br />who demonstrate exceptional talent or skill in the music industry and other art- <br />forms. <br />The program involved 6-weeks of intense mentoring, occupational training and <br />recording a music demo at Love & Laughter Recording Studios in Anaheim, CA <br /> <br />.n <br />