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<br />Justo Almario: Reknown Latin iazz saxophonist <br /> <br />Qualifications & Experience: World reknowned musician whose credits include recording <br />with Jenmfer Lopez. Mariah Carey, Marc Anthony, Celia Cruz, and ChrIstina Aguilera. <br />Annual performances for the Grarrunys and Latm Grammy awards show. Clinician and <br />performer in the field of Latin woodwinds, and perfonnance. Numerous jazz, Latin jazz <br />recordings with major record labels, television credits, and film credits Associations with <br />numerous film recordmgs, including Selena, the movie, The Mambo Kings, and actor's <br />Andy Garcia, Jllmny Smits, Je1TI1ifer Lopez and Paul Rodriguez <br /> <br />Doriana Sanchez: Professional Choreographer <br /> <br />Qualifications & Experience: Choreographer for Cher, Janes Addiction, Latin <br />Grammys, Rolling Stones, etc. Highly solicited for her expertise as live Las Vegas show <br />director and theatre choreographer. Worked wifu numerous rock bands, and created <br />choreography for China's Galaxy Circus, Cirque D'Soleil, and East L.A Classic Theatre <br />productions. <br /> <br />Safe Haven: Roc en Espanol Band <br /> <br />Qualifications & Experience: Guatemalan Roc en Espaiiol band with tours in Mexico, <br />Guatemala, and the US Specializing in Latin rock styles in Spanish and English, and <br />relating primarily wifu youth ages 12-29 Highly sought after band, whose goal is to impact <br />Latino youth today wifu a positive message through music. <br /> <br />Abraham LaborieJ: Professional bassist. Latin recording artist <br /> <br />Qualifications & Experience: Masters Degree from Berklee Conservatory of Music in <br />Boston. World renowned bassist, most notably for recording with artists Sergio Mendes, <br />Tito Puente, Ivan Lins, Joe Sample, Herb Albert, and internationally known jazz group <br />The Crusaders. Among his film/tv credits are "CHPS", Jamie FoX){, CBS, NBC, ABC., and <br />the Grammy Awards <br />His son Abe Jr. is currently drummer for Paul McCartney, Green Day, and Seal. <br /> <br />Mateo, the youngest of the Laboriel family has also participated as a special guest <br />instructor. Mateo's credits include productions for actor/singer Jamie Foxx, films for <br />Antonio Banderas and Ice Cube. <br /> <br />Note: lnstructors provide musical and practical instruction and guidance in their fields of <br />expenise Besides performing for RYTMO participants, guest speakers provide insight and <br />realistic perspective into the world of recording, performance, and technology. They share <br />personal success stories and inspirational experiences to participants of Project RYTMO. <br /> <br />"0 <br />