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<br />Fiscal Capacity <br /> <br />Describe the process used to capture and report fiscal data? <br /> <br />CLAMA/Project RYTMO employs the services of Janell Arceo, a licensed Bookkeeper, <br />v.~th over 14 years experience and knowledge in accountmg/bookkeepmg methods such as <br />payables, receivables, mvoicmg, tax requirements, and other standard accountmg practices <br />required for proper fiscal accountability and reporting. Janell utilizes QuickBooks Non- <br />Profit software to post entries and reconcile all of CLAMA' s financial accounts. <br />The process utilized to capture and report fIscal data IS <br />I. Collect, review and approve all Purchase Orders, Requests for Funds, Expense <br />Reports, receipts, employee Time Sheets, and Independent Contractor invoicing for <br />services rendered. <br />2. All bookkeepmg data is recorded using QuickBooks Non-Profit Software for all <br />accounts. <br />3. Monthly fiscal reports are submitted to the Financial Administrator, CLAMA <br />Treasurer, Board of Directors and funding agencies, as required for approvaL <br /> <br />State procurement poliq and procedures <br />For any and all purchases for CLAM~/Project RYTMO, a simple procurement policy is <br />utilized based upon budgets approved through each funding agency or source: <br />1. All equipment, supplies, small purchases, reimbursements and personal <br />expenditures related to the organization and if s employees shall require a Request <br />for Funds CRFF) through our Financial Department by the first Thursday of the <br />month. <br />2. Upon approval by both the Financial Administrator and Executive Director, a <br />Purchase Order is completed by fue person requesting funding or reimbursement <br />This mcludes evidence of procurement such as 3-quotes for purchases or contracts <br />for consultants as evidence of work For reimbursements such as gas, mileage, food, <br />travel or other personal expenditures, an Expense Report is required prior to any <br />approval of reimbursement <br />3. Approved funds/purchases/reimbursements are posted in QuickBooks. then <br />disbursed based on chargeable approved budgeted items. <br /> <br />What systems are used to ensure fiscal accountability and appropriate expenditures, <br />and planned costs? <br />1. All fiscal accountability, expenditures and planned costs are overseen and verified <br />by the CLAMA Financial Admmistrator on a monthlv basis followed bv approval <br />bv the CLAMA Executive Director. This process involves the review and <br />evaluation of budgeted items previously approved by the CLAMA Board of <br />Directors for the current fiscal year. <br />2. The Financial Administrator shall then provide monthlv fiscal reoorts to the <br />CLAMA Treasurer, Executive Director, and active Board of Directors for fiscal <br />review and analysis. <br /> <br /><0 <br />