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<br />The Sanla Ana \\orkfortT Investment B"'HrdfYouth Council <br />The Youth Service Provider Network ,RFP 2005f2(W6 <br />Orange Count)' Children's Therapeunle Arts Center <br /> <br />Expe,ricnce <br />llricfh outline all youth programs that YOU!' agency has ope-ated dUI'ing the last 2 )'ears. <br />Six dzvs per week we offer a wide variety of classes (arts. literacy. technology, parenting. and family <br />counseling). All of our programs aim at accelerating student learming, empowering families of limit~d <br />resources. helping youtb build scll~esteem and develop leadership' skills in our community. Every <br /> we offer approximately 50 classes during our After-scb(l)ol program six days per week. During <br />tbe pas! four and a half years of operation. a lot of time ha..s been .:;pent in acquiring some <br />comm;.mication and tecbnology resources. We established a new 'multimedia arts lab with high speed <br />lnternel access for our youch. a'1d now have Internet aeces;. for tht:. staff, an email address fur the center. <br />and a ,Jew Websitel Tbis tecbnology has made the organization rmnction more effectively and has <br />served to demonstrate the steady growth and sustainability of the Center. In addition, OCCT AC has <br />forged strong. long-term relationships and contracts with commumity partners such as: Santa Ana <br />Unified School District (for music therapy): the Santa Ana Colle",e (for parenting classes), <br />the Co,unty of Orange, Social Services department for family coumseling and parenting classes; and <br />Chapman University. the Santa Ana College and Cal State Fullemon for homework support. <br /> <br />\\ hid have been most su",,(',,1ul') All of our programs are sm::cessfull Q <br /> <br />The f,~,Uowing is a remarkable case study of an at-risk youth thm has been involved in our after-school <br />progr3IIlS for close to 5 years at the OCC1 AC. These activities :nave given her a great sense of <br />accomplishment, enhanced her self-esteem and confidence. boomed her academic development, and <br />most importantly, kept her away from negative activity or influences. such as teen pregnancy, drugs, <br />etc. \1.. Came to our Center approxinlately 5 years ago when 0<= 'CTAC opened its doors to.the <br />cOIlliDunity. M. was identified as an at -risk youth because of the nigh risk factors that were observed in <br />her t2:mily (domestic violence and drug abuse). M. emoUed in se"veral classes (choir. dance. art, piano <br />and flute) during the flISt year at our Center, and we also provided her with tutors during the week for <br />homeoNork and literacy. She excelled in all classes. and by the e:nd of the flIst year at OCCTAC she <br />had b,~en the most accomplished student at our Center. At our \i~f\' 1st Holiday Concert she performed <br />Flute 3I1d Piano Solos for the families at the Center. We were ali very proud of her accomplishments in <br />such c. short period of time. Most importantly, her mother comm,ented on how her academic grades had <br />imprcved so drastically. as well as her self-confidence. During "i"ars two and three at our Center M. <br />learned to play other new instruments (guitar. violin and ha,--p;. ~: she continued to leam her previous <br />ones piano. and f1ute). This past summer M. graduated with n..:mors and was the received a <br />Valecictorian Medal. including honors in math, science and mlLilc'jl Furthermore. she auditioned to <br />enter into the Orange County High School of the Arts, and was .,,,,cently accepted. M. is one of <br />OCC::-AC stars and we are yen proud to have been part of her iJjc. M. and her family continue to <br />come 10 the Center to receive music instruction. family counsdimg 8:. parenting classes. <br /> <br />\Vh:d.: kind of rxpf..Tien(T do ~'()U havt' in incorporatin~ p;ircn;~c, into ~'our progntIns'.) Our agency <br />has b~.en very successfl1l1Jl providing conm1unity outreac11 anc T3rent invoJven1en1. \\.le ha\'e <br />estab,-:shed a community network that helps foster our mission. and provide opportunities to serve <br />man' families. Parent invol vement. participation and education "a critical aspect of our mission. <br />The c.enter bas five years of experience in working with the 1'"""nt5 and their children. We have an <br />3cti,,' parenting comminee. and a parent representative on the E""lfd of Directo'rsl <br /> <br />\\h~c is your succt" "",cJ 0"" Academic and artistic accomDliJshments of the students; leadership <br />skills ",f students and parents: grov.1h of our organization: and the quality and level of services that <br />we C2-1 pro~'ide our comn1unity. <br />