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<br />arrfA <br /> <br />Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br /> <br />D. Refer to XI.A. <br /> <br />E. There are no public airports in the City of Santa Ana; however, John Wayne <br />International Airport is located one-mile southwest of city limits. The proposed project <br />is not located within a two-mile radius of the airport. According to the Santa Ana <br />General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report, no area of the City of Santa Ana is <br />within the noise impact area or 65 CNEL of John Wayne International Airport. <br />Therefore, people residing or working in the project area will not be exposed to <br />excessive noise levels. Impacts will be less than significant. <br /> <br />XII. Population and Housing <br /> <br />A. The project includes the development of housing and would result in an increased <br />population in the planning area. According to the 2003 United States Census, the <br />City's average househoid size was 4.6 persons per household. Therefore, this project <br />has the potential for 23 additional persons to be added to the overall population if <br />household members were from outside the City. The direct and indirect impacts of <br />this growth are less than significant with an overall City population to be <br />approximately 337,977 according the 2000 U.S. Census. <br /> <br />B. The project will not displace existing housing as the subject site is currently vacant. <br />There will be no impacts. <br /> <br />C. The project would not displace existing population as no housing currentiy exist <br />onsite. The project will result in an overall increase in housing in the pianning area. <br />No impact would occur. <br /> <br />XIII. Public Services <br /> <br />A.1 Implementation of the proposed project may result in an increased demand for fire <br />protection and emergency medical services in the local area, but at a small scale. <br />Impacts are less than significant. <br /> <br />A.2 The proposed project may result in an increased demand for police services, but at a <br />small scale. Impacts are less than significant. <br /> <br />A.3 The proposed project may generate additional students, but at a small scale. Impacts <br />are less than significant. <br /> <br />A.4 The project will increase demand for recreational facilities, but at a small scale. <br />Impacts are less than significant. <br /> <br />A.5 The project may impact other governmental facilities, but at a small scale. Impacts <br />are less than significant. <br /> <br />XIV. Recreation <br /> <br />A. The proposed project will not result in a substantial or significant increase in residents <br />and employees in the area. However, the project does propose an on site courtyard at <br />the street level, and may be used for passive recreation. Since this project is infill <br />development, and is of a relatively small scale, the project does not affect long term <br />City goals for recreational land uses. Additionally, a roof deck is proposed that will <br /> <br />7 S~f4~6 <br />