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<br />arrfA <br /> <br />Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br /> <br />G. The proposed project will be designed in compliance with applicable flood controi <br />ordinances and will not expose persons or property to water-related hazards. No <br />impacts would occur. <br /> <br />IX. Land Use and Planning <br /> <br />A. The proposed project area does not include existing residential neighborhoods. The <br />project will not divide existing neighborhoods. No impact would occur. <br /> <br />B. The project area is in an urban setting that does not harbor any significant <br />environmental resources. However, the project includes amendment of the Zoning <br />Code and associated maps, and to create a Specific District with deveiopment <br />standards. The project has been anaiyzed for consistency with all applicable planning <br />documents, and meets the intent of the C3-A zoning district by including retail land <br />uses at the ground level to augment the primarily commercial nature of the <br />Downtown. Additionally, the General Plan Land Use Element District Center <br />designation considers residential population density for this area. This mixed use <br />project meets this requirement, and therefore, the project meets the intent of the all <br />applicable planning documents. A Specific District zone will clarify and bring <br />consistency to the zoning and General Plan in this iocation. <br /> <br />C. The proposed project is located in an urbanized setting and no locally designated <br />species or natural communities are known to exist in the project area. The site is not <br />part of any habitat conservation plan or natural community preservation plan. <br />Therefore, no impacts would occur. <br /> <br />X. Mineral Resources <br /> <br />A. Pursuant to Section 3.8 of the Santa Ana General Plan Draft Environmental Impact <br />Report, there are no areas in the City of Santa Ana designated as Significant Mineral <br />Aggregate Resource Areas (SMARA). No mineral resources are known to exist in <br />the project area; therefore, no impacts would occur. <br /> <br />XI. Noise <br /> <br />A. The proposed project will not expose the public to noise levels in excess of the <br />standards set forth in the City of Santa Ana General Plan. However, during the <br />construction phase of the proposed project, there will be an increase in existing noise <br />levels. Adjacent land uses will be affected by construction-related noise, but this is a <br />temporary condition and a singular occurrence due to development. Impacts are less <br />than significant. <br /> <br />B. Construction grading couid generate vibrations; however, impacts are iess than <br />significant since this is a temporary condition and a singular occurrence due to <br />development. <br /> <br />C. Due to the relatively small scope of the project, the implementation of the project will <br />not generally increase ambient noise levels in the area, and impacts will be less than <br />significant. Adjacent land uses will be affected by construction-related noise, but this <br />is a temporary condition and a singular occurrence due to development <br /> <br />7~4A5 <br />