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<br />D. Amendment Application No. 2006-04 has been filed with the City of Santa <br />Ana to adopt Specific Development No. 80 (SD-80) and to rezone the <br />property located at 320 West Fourth Street from Central Business - Artist's <br />Village (C3-A) to Specific Development No. 80 (SD-80). (AA No. 2006-04) <br /> <br />E. SD-80 would allow on the first floor retail and service uses; fine art galleries <br />which may include a studio as an ancillary use; fiber art galleries which may <br />include a studio as an ancillary use; photography studios; printing, <br />lithography and calligraphy studios (with a Conditional Use Permit); glass <br />blowing and sculpturing studios (with a Conditional Use Permit); Ceramic <br />and pottery studios (with a Conditional Use Permit); and cyber cafes (with a <br />Conditional Use Permit). On the floors above the first floor, SD-80 would <br />allow professional and administrative offices, design professionals, but <br />excluding medical, dental and massage therapy offices; fine art studios; fiber <br />art studios; photography studios; multiple-family dwellings (with a <br />Conditional Use Permit); live-work communities (with a Conditional Use <br />Permit); printing, lithography and calligraphy studios (with a Conditional Use <br />Permit); glass blowing and sculpturing studios (with a Conditional Use <br />Permit); and ceramic and pottery studios (with a Conditional Use Permit). <br /> <br />F. Amendment Application No. 2006-04 is consistent with the General Plan, <br />including but not limited to its goals and policies: <br /> <br />1. To promote a balance of land uses to address basic community <br />needs. Goal 3.0 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan. <br /> <br />2. To promote land uses which enhance the City's economic and fiscal <br />viability. Goal 2.0 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan. <br /> <br />G. The City Council has weighed and balanced the general plan's policies and <br />has determined that based upon this balancing that the project at 320 West <br />Fourth Street is consistent with the purpose of the general plan. <br /> <br />H. The City Council also adopts as findings all facts presented in the Requests <br />for Council Action dated October 16, 2006 accompanying this matter. For <br />these reasons, and each of them, Amendment Application No. 2006-04 is <br />hereby found and determined to be consistent with the General Plan of the <br />City of Santa Ana and otherwise justified by the public necessity, <br />convenience, and general welfare. <br /> <br />I. The resolution approving and adopting the mitigated negative declaration <br />and mitigation monitoring program for Environmental Review No. 2004-234 <br />which came before the City Council on October 16, 2006. This ordinance <br />incorporates by reference, as though fully set forth herein, that resolution <br />and mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring program. <br /> <br />Section 2. The real property located at 320 West Fourth Street is hereby <br />reclassified from Central Business - Artist's Village (C3-A) to Specific Development No. <br /> <br />75C-73 <br />