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Gabriel Newhouse, president of a local condominium association, opined the January 1 water <br />rates would result in a 20% increase in water costs for the owners of his 76-unit condominium <br />complex and requested the Council ask staff to justify the increases in water rates since 1992. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Richardson requested Public Works Agency Executive Director Jim Ross meet <br />with Newhouse regarding his concerns. <br /> <br />Substitute <br />Motion: Table consideration of previous motion until 1997-98 budget study sessions. <br /> <br />MOTION: Lutz <br /> <br />SECOND: McGuigan <br /> <br />VOTE: <br /> <br />AYES: Franklin, Lutz, McGuigan, Richardson <br />NOES: Espinoza, Moreno <br /> <br />ABSENT: Pulido FILE CA <br /> <br />RECESSED TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOLLOWED <br />IMMEDIATELY BY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY - 6:52 P.M. <br /> <br />RECONVENED - 7:07 P.M. - All Councilmembers present except Mayor Pulido who was <br />absent. <br /> <br />COMMENTS <br /> <br />90.A. <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> <br />Claudia Riewaldt congratulated the staff, City Council, and the community on being the 25th <br />safest city in the United States as reported in a January 5, 1997 Orange County Register article. <br />Councilmember Lutz acknowledged Riewaldt's personal contributions to the Santa Ana Beautiful <br />program. Mayor Pro Tem Richardson encouraged the listening audience to call the Council <br />Services Office at 647-6900 for copies of the Register article. <br /> <br />90.B. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Councilmember Moreno: <br /> <br /> - suggested the parking structure adjacent to the Santa Ana Library be <br /> opened for use by Library patrons during weekends; <br /> <br /> - requested investigation ora loitering problem at the Stater Bros. Market <br /> at 17th and Fairview Streets; <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br />JANUARY 6, 1997 <br /> <br /> <br />