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RESOLUTION NO. XX <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SANTA ANA TO AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 82-110 TO AMEND <br />THE CITY'S BASIC CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION <br />PLAN TO PROVIDE PAY INCREASES FOR FIVE PART TIME <br />TITLES, TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH STATE MINIMUM <br />WAGE LAW. <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1: The City Council of the City of Santa Ana hereby finds, determines <br />and declares as follows: <br />A. Section 1004, Article X of the City Charter of the City of Santa Ana requires <br />the City Manager to prepare, install, and maintain a position classification <br />and pay plan subject to civil service rules and regulations and the approval of <br />the City Council. <br />B. On August 2, 1982, the City Council passed and adopted Resolution No. <br />82-110 revising and re-establishing the Basic Classification and <br />Compensation Plan for Officers and Employees of the City of Santa Ana. <br />C. The State of California has adopted a new minimum wage law requiring that <br />new minimum wage rates be put into effect beginning on January 1, 2007. <br />Hourly pay rates assigned to one unaffiliated and four represented part-time <br />classification titles need to be adjusted accordingly, to ensure City <br />compliance with this new mandate. <br />D. It is now desired to amend Council Resolution No. 82-110, as amended, in <br />order to effect these changes. <br />Section 2: That Section 3.5.1 Classification Titles and Wage Rates for <br />Unaffiliated Categories of Non-Civil Service Part-Time Employment of Resolution No. <br />82-110, as amended, be further amended by adjusting the hourly wage rates assigned to <br />one classification title as set forth below: <br />Basic Hourly Wage Rates Effective 1/01/07: <br />Classification Title Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E <br />Student Intern $7.50 $7.88 $8.28 $8.69 $9.12 <br />55A-2 <br />