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<br />service strategy plans (lSS) for each participant These will detail how and which of the project <br />activities will be used to help the individual participants reach their educational, employment and <br />higher educational goals. The exact mix of services each participant receives will be based on <br />his/her lSS and career pathway. However, each will participate with an adult mentor, be exposed <br />to the leadership. drug, alcohol & other health related issues activities, receive additional <br />guidance and counseling support and have access to paid internship and summer work. <br /> <br />Program Services <br /> <br />SUCCESS BOUND! PROGRAM QUALITY ELEMENTS <br /> <br />ELEMENT #1: An effective academic support system of the participants' educational <br />activities leading to high school graduation, <br /> <br />The basic academic component of the program will focus on the unique needs of each <br />participant-both in lerms of academic support and in terms of meeting high school graduation <br />requirements. Those in need of tutoring will be referred to ongoing tutorial programs at each <br />campus that are normally staffed by Compensatory Education staff (Title I, one of the largest K- <br />12 federal education programs). Other tutorial referrals may be made to student resource center <br />at the ROP Ritchev Center where the WIA staff is housed. While WIA funds were not be used <br />to equip this center, some WlA funds could be used for instructional supplies to support the <br />identified academic needs of Success Bound' participants. The WIA funded resources for this <br />element of the program will be the staff (program management, guidance and support) who assist <br />and monitor participant progress towards meeting the three goals for the program identified <br />earlier in this section. A key facet of this activity, which was added during the 2001/02 program <br />after a recommendation by the WIB's Youth Council, was (and will continue to be) a paid <br />incentive to attend tutorial programs outside of the school day. This action provided participants <br />with pay that they would normally have received in a paid work experience or internship <br />position, Given the economic situation from which most participants come, this aspect of the <br />program gave participants the incentive to address their academic needs while at the same time <br />meeting economic needs. <br /> <br />Evaluation materials developed for the Success Bound' program will be designed to elicit <br />participant opinions concerning both the effectiveness and the appropriateness of the program <br />vis-a. vis their needs and the degree to which the project's activities helped them graduate and <br />pursue an occupational career while also entering a higher education program. As with any <br />useful and valid evaluation instrument. the data from these initial participant reviews will be <br />incorporated into program modifications if necessary to better meet participant needs. <br /> <br />Continuing Education <br />ELEMENT #2: Provision of access to appropriate alternative secondary school services if <br />needed to facilitate graduation on schedule. <br /> <br />The Success Bound' program staff will carefully monitor each participant's progress toward the <br />attainment of both their basic academics, work readiness & occupational skill attainment goals <br />and their high school diploma. When necessary, participants will be directed to alternative <br />programs both within the Santa Ana schools and at other agencies in order to acquire the need <br />units/classes needed to meet their diploma requirements. These alternative programs will <br />include the District's Independent Study and Teen Parent programs, Santa Ana colleges Adult <br />Education Programs and the Orange County Department of Education's two alternative <br /> <br />15 <br />