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<br />Case Management <br />If any revisions are necessary due to staffing changes in the WIA case management staff on the <br />W/O/R/K Center Service Navigalion team. they will be worked on in collaboration with the <br />Santa Ana Unified staff after funding notification. While the support of the W/O/R/K Center <br />staff will be appreciated, the Santa Ana Unified School District staff in the Career <br />Development/ROP Department's Secondary Enrichment Programs office is very experienced <br />with youth programs and at-risk populations. This is particularly true with respect to dealing <br />with the data collection requirements of youth related programs; both those problems <br />encountered in enrolling potential participants and those unique to reporting program completion <br />data. Staff is well versed in the completion of ongoing Individual Service Strategy documents <br />for each participant. the administration of objective assessments, etc. 11 is assumed that the full- <br />time Community Resource Specialist and/or part.time Program Specialist assigned to the WIA <br />Success Bound' program will maintain overall responsibility for the objective assessments and <br />ISS forms. The assessments will be accomplished either at the ROP Ritchey Center or one of the <br />full service Career Centers on the regular high school campuses. Unless there is a change for the <br />2005/06 program year, 1SS folders will be maintained in the Secondary Enrichment Programs <br />office. Any other concerns vis-a-vis the interface of Success Bound' staff with the W /O/R/K <br />Center Service Navigation team will be dealt with when the occasion arises <br /> <br />Parent involvement <br />With respect to parent involvement, initial contact with parents is normally made during the <br />enrollment process. Completion of the Work Permits also often requires another parent contact. <br />The WIA Success Bound' Community Resource Specialist will make home telephone and/or <br />home visits during the course of the program year. Normally, the initial reason will be either <br />attendance and/or paid work experience concern but other calls will also focus on missing <br />graduation requirements, college financial assistance documentation, training site issues, etc. <br />Experience with previous years' programs has taught the Success Bound! staff that parental <br />support can be key to getting a senior "back-on.track" towards graduation, career and higher <br />education goals. <br /> <br />Outside of the initial enrollment process, there have been very few formal school/parent <br />activities. Parents are invited to several of the adult mentor activities and informal relationships <br />have been developed with parents when there have been concerns about attendance or other <br />related problems with training and work sites, These parental relationships will be maintained <br />and strengthen for the 2005/06 Success Bound' program year for we have learned the value of <br />parental support in these areas. The weekly guidance/counseling sessions often provide <br />opportunities to discuss parentaliadolescent relationships in a private setting and the success, <br />which has been experienced in improving these relationships in what can be a very trying time <br />for both parents and teenagers, will be continued for the upcoming program year. <br /> <br />Like the comments pertaining to actual program services, information regarding job placement, <br />continuing education and follow-up activities is explained below in the description of the ten <br />program elements. Again, the primary goals of the program are threefold: <br />,/ high school graduation (diploma rate); <br />,/ enrollment in a higher education program (rerention rate); and the <br />,/ acquisition of appropriate academic and/or employability skills for an entry <br />level or higher position which will assist the participant in his or her pursuit of <br />both a career and a post-secondary education (skill af/a/nment rale). <br /> <br />The basic thrust of the academic support system is one of close oversight and the facilitation of <br />each participant's journey towards achieving the three basic goals for the program as stated <br />above. Based on the objective assessment data used in the eligibility process along with other <br />similar school.based data and information, the Success Bound! staff will develop individual <br /> <br />14 <br />