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<br />The Success Bound.! staff will continue to monitor school and work attendance with students <br />aftel they exit the program upon their graduation on a monthly basis at a minimum. <br /> <br />Both the staff of the District and Careel Beginnings of Orange County, have had extensive <br />experience in annual follow.up reports. The specific design of the documents used for this <br />process will be based on that experience and any requirements of the W/O/R/K Center or WIB <br />staff. Summative evaluation of the project will be assessed by completion, postsecondary <br />commitment and graduation rates and at the end of the school year. The major collection <br />timeline for follow.up data will be in the late fall after high school graduation. This will be done <br />to verify the former Success Boundl participant's postsecondary placement (higher education, <br />military, part-time ortull-time work). <br /> <br />Success Bound' participants will be regularly contacted on an informal basis (mail, phone and e- <br />mail-if available) 10 monitor their progress during this twelve-month basis. The purpose of the <br />informal contacts will be to remind the participants of the availability of continuing follow-up <br />serVlces. These would include not only the standard supportive services available to WIA <br />program participants, but also access to tutoring/study areas at the ROP Ritchey Center, Cal- <br />WORKs programs, the W/O/R/K Center and ROP courses. The District's Career <br />Development/ROP staff has close relationships with both programs and staff at Santa Ana <br />College; those Success Bound! participants who attend that institution will also have access to <br />extra support and attention during the twelve-month period as a result of these relationships. <br /> <br />With respect to regular progress reports, record keeping, etc., the Secondary Enrichment <br />Programs staff at the ROP Ritchey Center are experienced in providing the data needed by the <br />WIB, Youth Council and others to document the effectiveness of the program and the success of <br />its participants. This is true for both programmatic and fiscal monitoring. As some of the <br />school-based information on the District's CASTS system and elsewhere is confidential, records <br />(including ISS files) will be kept at the ROP Ritchey Center unless the Service Navigation team <br />at the W/O/R/K Center changes current procedures. If it is necessary for other WIA youth <br />programs, the dislrict will collaborate with other vendors to provide student data within the <br />boundaries of various state and federal privacy regulations. <br /> <br />ELEME~T #10: Access to and provision of a comprehensive array of guidance and <br />counseling support activities that focus improving student performance <br />and achievement. <br /> <br />Project services for Success Bound! participants that involve this final standard have been <br />partially addressed in several of the other standards, particularly those dealing with leadership <br />development. supportive services and adult mentoring. As also mentioned above, the vehicle for <br />delivering the services will normally be the weekly meetings held durin? non-instructional times <br />at the individual high school sites. Augmented by the services of the collaborators, this portion <br />of the project will afford participants with comprehensive guidance and counseling services that <br />far exceed those that they can normally access in a traditional high school setting. This aspect of <br />the case management services for participants will also be available outside the regular school <br />day thus making them available at times when these at-risk students do not have to be in class. <br />Alternative methods of access are important to the target population and it is an objective of this <br />part of the proposed program to facilitate the access of these students to supplementary <br />supportive services. <br /> <br />The Community Resource Specialist for the Success Bound! program will monitor participant <br />contacts with all staff and the collaborators to ensure that all aspects of each participant's <br />identified case management goals/ISS is being addressed. Experience with previous WIA/JTP A <br />programs has taught that this aspect of program management is extremely import; not only with <br /> <br />20 <br />