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<br />past several years, District staff has been successful in recruiting and serving the at-risk <br />population. This is not to say that there have not been problems in the past with recruitment or <br />placement goals going unmet But staff has learned from experience and is ready to deal with the <br />real difficulties encountered in the enrollment. placement and data collection processes. Staff is <br />also well versed in the completion of ongoing Individual Service Strategy documents for each <br />participant, utilizing vas, the administration of objective assessments, etc. <br /> <br />The Career Development/ROP Department has literally hundreds of relationships in place with <br />area employers who have experienced success with prior youth program participants. This is <br />particularly true of those paid internship positions utilized in the JTPA School Workplace <br />Inlernship Program. the Arts-in-the-City program and the WlA Success Bound' & Right Start! <br />programs. In addition to these. WlA youth participants will have access to the hundreds of <br />regular Rap internship sites parlnered with specific career preparation courses. Paid, non-paid, <br />job shadowing and other related activities will also be accessible to the WIA participants via the <br />Career Centers at the high schools and the CTS lab at the Rap Ritchey Center. The adult <br />menlors form Career Beginnings of Orange County (CBOC) will also be a resource to program <br />participants. <br /> <br />The proposed staffing will include only Career Development/ROP staff members with prior WIA <br />experience and staff new to the department. Given the scope of this project and the experience <br />from the 2004/05 program year, it is clear that the proposed staff should be sufficient. The <br />proposed staff is outlined on the Project Staff form basically continues the staffing that has been <br />working with current WIA programs. These staff members will be supported by the <br />infrastructure of the Career Development/RaP office and the College/Career Centers at each <br />high school. Allied with the Disttict staff will be support personnel from other agencies such as <br />EDD, the W/O/R/K Center, Cal-WORKS and other member of the Youth Service Provider <br />Network. Paid and volunteer staff from Career Beginnings of Orange County will also support <br />the team providing collaborative services to the In.School program participants. The efforts of <br />these support staff and others will serve to leverage the WIA direct funded services into a more <br />successful program for the Success Bound' participants. <br /> <br />The over. all operation for the Success Bound! will be handled by Ricardo Quezada, Community <br />Resource Specialist for SAUSD. Tony Dalessi. a retired Program Specialist who has been <br />responsible for the operational management of previous WIA and lTP A programs will be the <br />person reporting to the Youth Council on behalf of the District and its collaborators for this <br />project. The primary contact for the CBOC adult mentoring activities will be Jon Anderson, <br />Operations Specialist for the Career Beginnings of Orange County Board of Directors. <br /> <br />The normal working hours for these staff members assigned to work with the Success Bound! <br />program will range from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. However, they will be available for evening <br />meetings, weekends and other times necessary to effectively serve the Success Bound! <br />participants, All will be located at the Rap Ritchey Center, but to effectively serve the <br />participants. they will be out of the office in order to conduct the weekly meetings at the local <br />high schools. make job-site visitations, develop new training sites and/or internships, etc. The <br />tables below and on the following page summarize the personnel planned to service and operate <br />the Success Bound! program. <br /> <br />22 <br />