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<br />2. Design Features: Any minor alterations and/or additions shall be in <br />keeping with the original approved design of the structure in terms of <br />scale, rooflines, materials, and color palette. Additionally, a written report <br />shall be prepared by a qualified architectural historian and submitted to <br />and approved by the Planning Manager demonstrating how the overall <br />architectural design is compatible with the Downtown National Register <br />District. <br />3. Lighting Standards/Fixtures: A minimum of one (1) foot candle of light <br />shall be provided throughout the parking area and the parking apron. <br />Specifications of light standards/fixtures and photometries shall be <br />submitted to the Planning Division and Police Department for approval <br />prior to issuance of construction permits. <br />4. Except as provided in Section 4(G)(1 )(b) above, there shall be no glare or <br />spillover lighting into adjacent properties. All exterior glass materials on <br />the exterior of the building shall be non-reflective. <br />5. The ceiling of the parking facilities shall be painted white, and be <br />maintained to improve illumination and enhance safety within this area. <br /> <br />The Planning Manager may approve minor modifications to the standards specified in <br />this SD-80, provided that such changes are consistent with the purpose, scope, and <br />intent of this document. The Planning Manager has the sole and absolute discretion to <br />determine what constitutes a "minor modification". <br /> <br />Section 7. Signage <br /> <br />A. All signage shall comply with the Santa Ana Municipal Code. A comprehensive <br />sign program for the entire site, including, but not limited to, freestanding, wall, <br />directional, addressing, permanent signs and graphics, shall be submitted and <br />approved by the Planning Manager prior the issuance of any sign permit. <br /> <br />B. The elevation directly facing Fourth Street shall be considered the primary <br />elevation for signage purposes. <br /> <br />Section 8. Refuse Collection Area <br /> <br />Areas to handle the refuse for the development site shall be integrated into the building. <br />At minimum, the project shall provide two (2) refuse collection areas measuring a <br />minimum of eleven feet by seven feet (11' x 7') each. One collection area is to be used for <br />refuse, and the other shall be for recycle materials. Such collection areas shall be <br />enclosed and viewable by refuse collectors, with exterior materials such as concrete block <br />with metal doors. Additionally, each collection area shall provide "chutes" to allow refuse <br />from upper floors to collect within these areas to the extent required by AB239 or City of <br />Santa Ana Ordinance and that determined by the Planning Division. <br /> <br />Specific Development Plan No. 80 <br />Page 7 of 8 <br /> <br />80A-120 <br />