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DRAFT <br />BYLAWS OF THE EARLY PREVENTION <br />AND INTERVENTION COMMISSION <br />ARTICLE I -PURPOSE <br />The Early Prevention and Intervention Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, <br />was established by the City Council, in its Ordinance Nos. NS-2732 and NS-2738 to act in an <br />advisory capacity to develop a more strategic, coordinated, and collaborative effort between the <br />City, law enforcement agencies, social services, and the general public with the objective of <br />enhancing opportunities for youth in Santa Ana to significantly reducing gang involvement. <br />ARTICLE II -POWERS AND DUTIES <br />In accordance with Section 2-554 of the Municipal Code, the Commission shall have the <br />following powers and duties: <br />• Promote a strong sense of community through advocacy and recommendafion of <br />proactive policies, ordinances, and guidelines for eazly prevention and intervention of <br />youth exposure to the influence of gangs. <br />• Identify gang prevention solutions that are part of a comprehensive plan and do not <br />require funding. <br />• Make policy recommendations to City Council on gang prevention, intervention, <br />diversion and suppression methods. <br />• Identify local, state, and federal funding sources for front line law enforcement <br />intervention and prevention. They shall also collaborate with boazds, agencies, and <br />residents on gang issues. <br />• Consider all matters that may be referred to it by the City Council or the city manager <br />and shall render its recommendations, counsel and advice in regazds thereto; <br />ARTICLE III -OFFICERS <br />1. The officers of the Commission shall be a Chair and aVice-Chair, initially elected by the <br />voting members of the Commission at the first regulaz meeting following formation of the <br />Commission and re-elected at the first meeting in January thereafter for a term of one (1) <br />year . No member shall serve in the position of Chair for more than one term. Only voting <br />members are eligible to serve as officers. <br />2. Nominations for officers shall be made in person by voting members of the Commission. <br />3. With the exception of the first yeaz, officers shall serve a term of one year from the January <br />meeting at which they aze elected or until their successors aze duly elected. <br />13 B-2 <br />