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PrOnosal - EIR Preparation Services <br />Proposal - EIR Preparation Services 5 <br />The .EIR will focus on the potentially significant environmental impacts based on the <br />previous MND and the comments received during the public review process on the MND. <br />While these issues are subject to change, we anticipate that the EIR will address the <br />following CEQA disciplines: <br />■ Aesthetics <br />■ Cultural resources <br />■ Land use and planning <br />■ Transportation/traffic <br />Our scope of work and approach to each of the technical issues is described below. <br />Aesthetics <br />The EIR will include an analysis of the general visual conditions and impacts related to visual <br />quality, as well as a detailed analysis related to architectural compatibility of the proposed <br />building with the existing National Register Historic District. We will review and <br />incorporate the results of the Aesthetic Impact Evaluation that has been prepared by Kaplan <br />Chen Kaplan, and supplement the analysis as appropriate. The visual analysis will include a <br />detailed qualitative description and narrative of the existing visual setting, with photographs <br />to complement the discussion. We will analyze the existing conditions, which will include <br />identifying the viewshed (area from where the project site can be viewed), the existing <br />viewers (people who can see the project site and their sensitivity to visual change), important <br />visual resources within the project viewshed (landmarks, scenic views, scenic roadways, etc.), <br />the existing visual quality of views of the project site, and the applicable aesthetic policies in <br />the general plan and/or zoning and grading ordinances that may be relevant to the project. <br />Cultural Resources <br />Jones & Stokes' qualified architectural historians and archaeologists will provide a cultural <br />resources analysis of the proposed project, alternatives, and potential impacts to surrounding <br />historic resources. Specifically, the analysis will examine the compatibility of the proposed <br />new construction with the National Register Historic District, potential impacts to the <br />historic ghost billboard, and potential impacts to other previously identified historic <br />resources in the surrounding area. This analysis will also include a review of the Kaplan <br />Chen Kaplan report, which considers the project's compliance with the Secretary of the <br />Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation as they apply to infill buildings in historic districts, and <br />incorporation of its results into the EIR. Previously completed surveys, reports, and <br />inventories will be consulted to identify any previously recorded cultural resources that are <br />known to exist within or near the project area, and a records search will be conducted at the <br />South Central Coastal Information Center at the California State University at Fullerton. <br />Jones & Stokes' qualified arch tectural historians will then conduct a visual survey of the <br />subject property and surrounding area, and prepare a narrative development history of the <br />cuo Oafsanla Ana M=b I, [UU/ <br />W'wEnALaju ErR -14,f Jones&Stokes PI081.07 <br />