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Prnnosal - EIR Preparation Services <br />EIR Preparation Services <br />property, using historic maps and other research to identify any additional historic resources. <br />Jones & Stokesqualified archaeologists will also perform a pedestrian -level survey to <br />determine the potential existence of any archaeological resources. All of this information <br />will be incorporated into the EIR. Potential impacts to identified cultural resources will be <br />considered in an impacts analysis, and mitigation measures developed. <br />Land Use and Planning <br />Jones & Stokes will provide an analysis of the land use and planning issues, including the <br />project's consistency with land use plans and policies, as well as the overall compatibility <br />with adjacent land uses and growth patterns. A narrative discussion of the existing land uses <br />will be provided, along with an aerial photo and maps to show the project site within the <br />context of the surrounding community. The existing General Plan, proposed Renaissance <br />Specific Plan, and existing zoning ordinance will be described. The impact analysis will <br />present a plan -to -plan analysis, which will evaluate the project in terms of the general plan <br />and specific plan goals and policies. Additionally, any zoning inconsistency issues will be <br />identified. The proposed Specific Development Zone will also be described in relation to <br />the existing zoning, and any potential impacts that may be created as a result of the proposed <br />zoning. The EIR will also present a plan -to -ground analysis, which will provide a qualitative <br />evaluation of the proposed project's compatibility with the surrounding environment. Land <br />use compatibility will take into consideration factors such as sensitivity of existing land uses, <br />adjacent land use and zoning designations and their respective permitted uses, and the ability <br />to continue use of adjacent lands for their designated purpose. <br />Traffic/Transportation <br />Jones & Stokes will review and incorporate the results of the parking analysis prepared by <br />Kaku Associates in 2005. We will critique the report for CEQA adequacy and utilize the <br />report to the maximum extent practical. We will also summarize the issues related to access <br />and potential hazards, and work with the City to analyze the impacts, and identify <br />appropriate mitigation. <br />Cumulative Impacts Analysis <br />The cumulative impacts analysis will focus on the potential for emironmental impacts from <br />this project, along with other proposed and reasonably foreseeable projects in the area. The <br />list of cumulative projects will be developed in coordination with City staff. Significance will <br />be determined using the same criteria defined for the project impacts and mitigation <br />measures. The project's contribution to the overall cumulative baseline will be evaluated and <br />discussed, and "cumulatively considerable" impacts will be identified. Mitigation measures <br />will be developed for any cumulatively considerable impacts, if applicable. <br />Alternatives Analysis <br />Jones & Stokes will work closely with the City to identify and screen a reasonable range of <br />alternatives for analysis in the EIR. These alternatives will be based on their ability to <br />Cib gffanlo Ana MOKb 1, 2007 <br />W'en End Laflr EIR Jones & Stokes PION1.07 <br />