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The way in which vibration is transmitted through the earth is called propagation. Propagation of earthbome <br />vibrations is complicated and difficult to predict because of the endless variations in the soil through which waves <br />travel. There are three main types of vitiation propagation; surface, compression, and shear waves. Surface <br />waves, or Rayleigh waves, travel along the ground's surface. These waves carry. most of their energy along an <br />expanding circular wave from, similar to ripples produced by throwing a rock into a pool of water. P-waves, or <br />compression waves, are body waves that carry their energy along an expanding spherical wave front. The particle <br />motion in these waves is longitudinal (i.e., in a "push-puU" fashion). P-waves are analogous to airborne sarnd <br />waves. S-waves, or sheaz waves, are also body waves that carry energy along an expanding spherical wave front. <br />However, unlike P-wanes, the particle motion is transverse or "side-to-side and perpendicular to the dir~tion of <br />Propagator." <br />TABLE I <br />HUMANREACTIONTO TYPT('.dT V7RAe'r'rn~v r rr~~ r <br />irbration Leve[ <br />Peak Particle Velocity <br />rnches/secon Human Reaction E,JJ`ed on Buildings <br />0.006 - 0.019 Threshold ofpercepton, possibility of Vibrations unlikely to cause damage of <br /> intrusion any type <br />0.08 <br />Vibrations readily perceptible Recommended upper level of vibration to <br />which ruins and ancient monuments <br /> should be subjected <br />0.10 Level at which continuous vibration Virtually no risk of "azchitecturai" <br /> begins to armoy people. damage to normal buildings <br /> <br />0.20 <br />Vibrations amroying to people in Threshold at which there is a risk to <br />"architectural" damage to normal <br /> buildings. dwelling -houses with plastered walls <br /> and ceilings <br /> Vibrations considered unpleasant by Vibrations at a greater level than <br />0.4 - 0.6 People subjected to cominuous normally expected from traffic <br />but <br /> vibrations and unacceptable to some , <br />would cause "azclritectural" damage and <br /> people walldng by bridges possibly minor structural damage <br />c,. ..•-,~-- <br />vvww. aiGlLLGals LVVL. <br />As vibration waves propagate from a source, the energy is sprrad over anever-increasing area such that the energy <br />level striking a given point is reduced with the distance from the energy source. This geometric spreading loss is <br />inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Wave energy is also reduced with distance as a result of <br />material damping in the form of internal friction, soil layering, and void spaces. The amoum of attenuation <br />provides by material damping varies with soil Lype and condition as well as the frequency of the wave. <br />2.3 Regulatory Environment <br />2.3.1 City of Santa Ana Standards <br />The project is located within the City of Santa. Ana. and is therefore subject to the General Plan and noise ordinance <br />incorporated therein. The primary, purpose of the City of Santa Ana Noise Element is to "Prevent significant <br />increases in noise levels in the community and m;nim;ze the adverse effects ofcurrently-existing noise sources." In <br />accordance with the Element, the City has adopted noise standards and guidelines for ]and use planning, These <br />75D-123 <br />