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guidelines for exterior noise levels as presented in Table 2. The guidelines establish desirable maximum and <br />maximum acceptable outdoor Ifving area noise standard for different land uses. <br />TABLE 2 <br />CITYOFSANTAANA LAND USE GUIDEI_7NF_S FnR FxrFUrnn ~vnzec <br />Land Use Noise Level dB.4 CNEL or Ldn V <br /> <br />Low Density Residential DesirableMaz~nmm <br />55 Maximum Ac able <br />65 <br />Medium Density Residential 60 65 <br />High Density Residential 65 70 <br />Schools 60 70 <br />Commercial, Office 65 75 <br />Industrial 70 75 <br />The Ciry regulates noise though Chapter 18, Article VI of the Municipal Code. The Code presents permissible <br />noise intrusion levels and sets an exterior residential standard of SS dBA between the hours of 7:00 a.m, and 10:00 <br />p.m. and 50 dBA between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:OD a.m. The standards are only applicable to stationary- <br />source noise under City control and intended to protect sensitive land uses from the effecks of nuisance noise <br />emanating on adjoining land uses. The standards aze not used in the siting of sensitive uses that aze subject to <br />CEQA and the standards included in Table Z. <br />The stationary noise standards are not to be exceeded for a cumulative period of 30 minutes in any hour However, <br />greater noise levels are permissible for shorter durations. The standazds are not to be exceeded by 5 dBA for a <br />cumulative period of 15 minutes in airy hour, by 10 d$A for a cumulative period of 5 minutes in any hour, by 15 <br />dBA for a cumulative period of 1 minute in any hour, or by 20 dBA for any period of time. In the event that the <br />ambient noise already exceeds these standards, the allowable noise shall be increased to reflect the ambient noise <br />accordingly. Again, these standards only apply to noise sources under City control and do not apply to noise that is <br />preempted by odrer State or federal standazds. (Such preempted noise includes traffic noise for vehicles operated in <br />accordance with the California Vehicle Code, Section 27200). <br />The City also sets interior uoise standards for residential land uses. Section 18-313, "Interior Noise Standards" sets <br />allowable interior noise levels of 55 dBA between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. and 45 dBA between the <br />hours of 10:00 p.m, and ?:00 a.m. Again, these standards are intended to protect receptors from stationary-source <br />noise subject to City control. These stnadazds are not to be exceeded for a cumulative period of more than 5 <br />minutes in any hour, or the standard plus 5 dBA for a cumulative period of 1 minute in any hour. <br />The Municipal Code recognizes that some forms of noise are required for urban development and maintenance and <br />aze difficuh to wntrol. Section 18-314, "Special provisions," provides for these exemptions. Those applicable to <br />the project include: <br />Section 18-314(e) which exempts noise sources associated with constnrction, repair, remodeling, or grading <br />of any real property, provided said activities do not take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. <br />on weekdays, including Saturday, or any time on Sunday or a federal holiday, and <br />Section 18-314 (j) that exempts any activity to the extern regulation thereof has been preempted by state or <br />federal law. <br />Note that in accordance with this latter section, noise generated by vehicles passing through the project area is <br />preempted from the local standards. Additionally, the City has no published standards for vibration intrusion. <br />4 <br />75D-124 <br />