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i At build out, traffic along Harbor Boulevard is projected to increase from about 42,000 ADT to 47,000 ADT. This <br />increase would raise future noise levels by 0.5 dBA CNEL. Future noise levels in the habitable areas would be <br />raised accordingly, but would remain under 60 dBA CNEL and the impact remains less than significant. <br />HabitablelnteriorAreas <br />As noted, the project would be subject to estate-mandated 45 dBA CAiEL interior noise standard. Table 6 <br />fi demonstrates that the Harbor Boulevard 70 dBA CNEL contour would lie at a distance of about 73 feet from the <br />roadway centerline or about 22 feet from the curb line. The most proximate structures are located approximately 65 <br />feet from the cemerline of the road and exterior traffic noise is calculated at about 70.6 dBA CNEL. At build out, <br />this level would fiuther be increased by about 0.5 dBA and exterior noise at the most proximate rooms along <br />Harbor Boulevazd would be increased accordingly. <br />Monitoring in Room 462 located along Harbor Boulevazd, indicates an existing, in-room CNEL of approximately <br />50.7 dBA. This level would also raise by about 0.5 dBA to approximately 51.2 dBA CNEL at build out. Based on <br />~ a 45 dBA CNEL interior standard, the impact of noise on the proposed land use is potentially significam. <br />Mitigation <br />As noted, interior noise levels have been shown to exceed the 45 dBA CNEL interior noise standard and the impact <br />is potentially significam. The following measures would ensure that imerior noise levels aze reduced to less than <br />State's 45 dBA CNEL interior standard. <br />The following measure is required for all rooms: <br />• All rooms are to include forced air ventilation allowing the residems to leave windows closed reducing <br />interior noise levels. <br />Additionally, the following shall be applied to those units that face onto Harbor Boulevazd. <br />• The developer shall specify a minimum STC rating of 29 for all window and/or door assemblies that from <br />along Harbor Boulevard (west facing). These windows and/or doors aze to be well fitting with vinyl (or <br />equivalent) gaskets that form an air-tight fitting. <br />• Ali exterior fittings that enter the structures (e.g., electrical conduits, HVAC ducts) along Hazbor Boulevard <br />are to be sealed with caulk such that the fittings are rendered as air-tight. Any metal duct-work that is <br />exposed to the exterior environmem shall be enclosed and insulated to avoid noise iraosference through the <br />ducting. <br />• Any in-room air conditioning units placed along Harbor Boulevard shall be placed in baffled enclosures <br />reducing transmitted noise, but allowing for airflow. <br />• The Applicant shall abide by any other conditions set forth by the City of Sawa Ana Planning Departmem. <br />Residuollmpad <br />~ The Naise Guidebook (HUD, 1985) presems Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings for various types of <br />construction materials and techniques. The STC rating is the official rating endorsed by the American Society of <br />Testing and Measuremem and can be used as a guide in determining what type of construction is needed to reduce <br />noise. Conversely, these same principles can be used to determine interior noise for a given type of constriction. <br />An STC is a ineasure of a material's ability to reduce sound and is equal to the number of decibels a sound is <br />reduced as it passes through tbe material. Thus, a high STC rating indicates a good insulating material. For <br />example, if the external noise is 72 dBA and the desired imerior level is 45 dBA, a partition of 27 STC is required. <br />Because of minor differences in ratings, as well as construction flaws, gaps, seams, openings, ducting, etc., field <br />studies indicate that laboratory-derived STC ratings may be overstated by as much as 5 dBA (HUD puts this <br />13 <br />75D-133 <br />