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discrepancy at about 2-3 dBA.) As such, the mitigation would need to achieve a composite laboratory STC mting <br />of approximately 32 (i.e., 27 + 5) to ensure that interior levels aze adequately mitigated to less than 45 dBA. <br />According to HUD, a common stud wall has an STC of approximately 35 dBA and this value is used in the <br />analysis. This analysis assumes retention of these walls and concentrates on improvements to fire windows and <br />doors. The wall in Room 462 that faces omo Harbor Boulevazd was measured to include approximately 30 percem <br />window and door. area. HUD provides a nomograph that can be used to determine the composite STC for walls that <br />include windows and doors. Based on the noted values, the nomograph estimates that for the composite wall, <br />window, and door to achieve an STC rating of 32, the windows and doors would have to have an STC rating of 29. <br />{Common '/." glass windows have an STC of about 20 while a typical solid wood door has an STC of about 27J <br />Sealing any ducts or exposed fittings would result in further reductions and interior noise is projected to be reduced <br />to less than 45 dBA CNEL; even at build out. Interior noise levels would be reduced to under the State standard <br />and the impact is reduced to less than significant. <br />b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessiveground borne vibration orgroundborne noise levels? <br />Less than Significant Impact. The proposed project would involve the renovation and operation of an existing <br />motel. Construction would be limited primarily to hand tool and no lazge-scale use of heavy equipment would be <br />required. Additionally, no excessive groundbome vibrations or groundbome noise would be created by the <br />operation of the proposed project. No significant impacts would result from project development and no mitigation <br />measures are necessary. <br />c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing <br />without the project? <br />Less than Significant Impact. The CEQA Guidelines require that projects be evaluated with respect to their <br />contribution to the existing ambient noise levels. Aa increase in ambiern noise could occur if the project were to <br />generate a substantial volume of traffic that would be added to the local roadways. The impact would be <br />potemially significant if the project were to increase the ambient noise levels by 3 dBA CNEL. This level of <br />change has been found to be barely discernable in an exterior environment under normal conditions and is typically <br />used in environmental impact analyses. <br />The project includes the conversion of an existing motel to a transiem/residential hotel. RK Engineering Group <br />(California Palms Transient/Residetttial Hotel -City of Santa flea Trip Generation Study, January 31, 2005) <br />provided trip generation rates for the existing use as well as the project after the conversion. The trip analysis finds <br />that the project could raise the daily traffic from 1,165 to 1,391 ADT represeming an increase of 226 ADT. This <br />volume was added to the existing volume of traffic along Harbor Boulevard (i.e., 42,000 ADT) and the resuhant <br />value was modeled using the Cahrans Sound32 Noise Model. The model predicts a CNEL of 72.4 dBA as <br />measured at a distance of 50 feet from the centerline of the road. Note that this same value was projected for <br />Harbor Boulevard in the analysis of the existing setting. As such, the increase in noise is so small as to be <br />immeasurable (i.e., less than 0.1 dBA CNEL) and is less than significant. <br />d) A substantAl temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels i» the project vide' above levels <br />existing wkhout the project? <br />Less than Significant Impact. Short~erm noise impacts aze impacts typically associated with site preparation, <br />excavation, grading, and construction of structures. However, the project includes renovation to existing structures <br />and heavy equipment use would be limited. Most renovation would consist of remodeling and would occur within <br />the rooms. Renovation could make use of common hand tools as well as small-scale pneumatic tools (e.g., nail <br />guns). Local sensitive land uses include the residential units that aze located to east side of the facHity. The most <br />proximate of these units could be on the order of 50 feet from the nearest renovation activities. <br />14 <br />75D-134 <br />