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The Municipal Code recognizes that some forms of noise are required for urban development and maintenance and <br />aze difficuh to control. Section 18-314(e) exempts noise sources associated with construction, repair, remodeling, <br />or grading of any real property, provided said activities do not take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 <br />a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or any time on Sunday or a federal holiday. Compliance with the Code is <br />requisite and as such, is not considered as mitigation under CEQA. While adverse, construction, when performed <br />l in compliance'with the requirements of the Municipal Code is considered to be less than significant. <br />e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has nor been adopted, within <br />two rniles of a public airport or public use aupor; would the project expose people r¢sidirrg or working in the <br />project area m excessive noise levelsP <br />Less than Significant Impact The project site is located approximately 4.g miles northwest of the John Wayne <br />hrtematioruri Airport. The project is located to the west of the established flight path and is beyond the airport's 60- <br />dBA CNEL noise contour. Implementation of the proposed project would not expose the site occupams to <br />excessive aircraft noise levels and no mitigation measures are necessary. <br />~ For a project within the vicinity oja private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working <br />in the project area to excessive noise levelsl <br />Na Impact. No private airstrips exist within two miles of the proposed site. Therefore, the proposed project would <br />not result in a noise hazazd for the new residents that occupy the site. No mitigation measures are necessary. <br />5.0 REFERENCES <br />California Air Resources Board, EMFAC2002 Computer Modei, Version 2.2, September 23, 2002 <br />Caltrans, Sound32 Version of the FHWA Notee Program, Release 1.4, September 28, 1992 <br />Cahrans, Technical Analysis Notes, March 13, 1991 <br />Caltrans, Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol, October 1998 <br />Caltrans, Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol for New Highway Construction and Reconstruction Projects, October <br />199$ <br />Caltrans, Transportation Related Earthborne Vibrations, Febnrary 20, 2002 <br />City of Santa Ana, City ofAna General Plan Noise Element, August 24, 1982 <br />City of Santa Ana., City of Santa Ana Municipal Code, June 19, 2000 <br />Couuty of Orange, Land Use/Noise CompatibiliryManual, December 14, 1993 <br />Coumy of Orange, Noise Element, March 27, 1984 <br />Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, April 1995 <br />Housing and Urban Development, The Noise Guidebook, March 1985. <br />RK Engineering Group, Inc., California Palms TranstentHotel - Ciry of Santa Ana Trap Generation Study, Jamrary <br />31, 2005 <br />U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Noise from Construction Equipment and Operations, Building Equipment, <br />and Home Appliances, Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, 1971 <br />U.S. Departmem of Housing and Urban Deyelopment, A Guide to HUD Errvtronmental Criteria and Standards <br />Contained in 24 CFR Part Sl, August 1984 <br />15 <br />75D-135 <br />