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City of Santa Ana Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview <br />This IS/MND, as required by CEQA, contains 1) a project description; 2) a <br />description of the environmental setting, potential environmental impacts, <br />mitigation measures for any significant effects, and consistency with plans and <br />policies; and 3) names of preparers. <br />The mitigation measures included in this IS/MND are designed to reduce or <br />eliminate the potentially significant environmental impacts described herein. <br />Where a mitigation measure described in this document has been previously <br />incorporated into the project, either as a specific feature of design or as a <br />mitigation measure, this is noted in the discussion. Mitigation measures are <br />structured in accordance with the criteria in Section 15370 of the State CEQA <br />Guidelines. <br />Scope of the IS/MND <br />This IS/MND evaluates the proposed project's effects on the following resource <br />topics: <br />^ aesthetics, <br />^ agricultural resources, <br />^ air quality, <br />^ biological resources, <br />^ cultural resources, <br />^ geology and soils, <br />^ hazards and hazardous materials, <br />^ hydrology and water quality, <br />^ land use and planning, <br />^ mineral resources, <br />^ noise, <br />^ population and housing <br />^ public services, <br />^ recreation, <br />^ transportation/traffic, and <br />^ utilities and service systems. <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration t_Z <br />J&S W96-0] <br />75D-46 <br />