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City of Santa Ana Chapter'I. Introduction and Overview <br />Impact Terminology <br />The following terminology is used to describe the level of significance of <br />impacts: <br />^ A finding of no impact is appropriate if the analysis concludes that the <br />project would not affect the particular topic area in any way. <br />^ An impact is considered Zess than sign cant if the analysis concludes that it <br />would cause no substantial adverse change to the environment and requires <br />no mitigation. <br />^ An impact is considered less than significant with mitigation incorporated if <br />the analysis concludes that it would cause no substantial adverse change to <br />the environment with the inclusion of environmental commitments or other <br />enforceable measures that have been agreed to by the applicant. <br />^ An impact is considered potentially significant if the analysis concludes that <br />it could have a substantial adverse effect on the environment. For the <br />proposed project, no impacts were determined to be potentially significant. <br />IS/MND Organization <br />The content and format of this report are designed to meet the requirements of <br />CEQA. The IS/MND consists of the proposed findings that the project, as <br />mitigated, would have no significant impacts. The bulk of this IS/MND consists <br />of the initial study and supporting studies. The report contains [he following <br />sections. <br />^ Chapter 1, "Introduction and Overview," identifies the purpose and scope of <br />the IS/MND and the terminology used in the report. <br />^ Chapter 2, "Project Description," identities the location, background, and <br />planning objectives of the project and describes the proposed project in <br />detail. <br />^ Chapter 3, "Environmental Checklist and Analysis," presents the checklist <br />responses for each resource topic. This section includes a brief setting <br />section for each resource topic and identifies the impacts of implementing the <br />proposed project. <br />1 ^ Chapter 4, "Mitigation Monitoring Plan and Report," presents a list of the <br />- mitigation measures, identifies the time frame for implementation, identifies <br />the responsible monitoring agency, and includes a reporting form for <br />verification of compliance. <br />^ Chapter 5, "References," identifies all printed references and individuals <br />cited in this IS/MND. <br />I <br />f ^ Chapter 6, "List of Preparers," identifies the individuals who prepared this <br />report and their areas of technical specialty. <br />California Palms <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration May 2007 <br />1-3 <br />gas ozes-m <br />75D-47 <br />