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l ,-,- <br />~ ~ Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQi4 Compliance <br />Environmental Factors Potentially Affected: <br />1 The environmental factors checked below reflect potentially significant impacts associated with the proposed <br />project, as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. <br />O Aesthetics O Mineral Resources <br />l <br />O Agricultural Resources O Noise <br />~ O Air Quality O Population /Housing <br />O Biological Resources O Public Services <br />I <br />~ O Cultural Resources O Recreation <br />i O Geology /Soils O Transportation /Traffic <br />O Hazards and Hazardous Materials O Utilities /Service Systems <br />j O Hydrology /Water Quality O Mandatory Findings of Significance <br />O Land Use and Planning <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 33 <br />J85 0296.0] <br />75D-60 <br />