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J <br />~ ~ Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />Aesthetics <br />A. Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project would result in a less than <br />significant impact because it would not change visual elements along the Harbor <br />Boulevard intercity corridor. The Scenic Corridors Element of the Santa Ana General <br />Plan (City of Santa Ana 1982:27) identifies certain corridors that serve as major <br />views and vantage points to the City of Santa Ana. These corridors consist of <br />existing scenic vistas or views open to the public. The proposed project is located <br />along Harbor Boulevard, which is designated as an intercity corridor. Intercity <br />corridors act as major image-makers for the City of Santa Ana. Although the <br />proposed project is located along an intercity corridor as designated by the general <br />plan, it would not obstruct any scenic vista in the City because it would not add new <br />scenic elements in the intercity corridor. A less than significant impact would occur. <br />B. No Impact. The Orange Freeway (SR-57), Newport Freeway (SR-55), and Garden <br />Grove Freeway (SR-22) are the three state highways that can be found in the City of <br />Santa Ana. The proposed project is a developed area and does not include any <br />scenic resources, nor is the project located on a state highway or a scenic highway. <br />No impact would occur. <br />C. No Impact. The proposed project would not impact the existing visual character or <br />quality of the site and its surroundings because the proposed project would improve <br />the visual character of the project site. The project is located in an area that is zoned <br />and developed as GC within the City's NHSP. The surrounding area is developed in <br />the same character as the proposed project. Furthermore, the proposed project <br />would use an existing structure and does not propose to develop any new buildings. <br />The project would not result in substantial degradation of the existing visual character <br />or quality of the site or its surroundings. Landscaping and building exteriors would be <br />changed to be consistent with Ordinance No. NS-2471 (City of Santa Ana 2001). As <br />such, building exteriors would comply with the Design and Development Standards <br />for Transient/Residential Hotels (City of Santa Ana 2003) provided as part of <br />Ordinance No. NS-2471. Implementation of the Design and Development Standards <br />for Transient/Residential Hotels will improve the visual character of the project site. <br />No impact would occur. <br />No Impact. As mentioned above, the project is located in an area that is zoned for <br />and developed with commercial land uses. The existing site includes pole-mounted <br />lighting in the parking lot and building lights for security. The proposed project would <br />not incorporate any new light sources. Minor lighting modifications may be made on <br />the building during exterior renovations. No impact would occur. <br />II. Agricultural Resources <br />A. No Impact. According to the Santa Ana General Plan and the Farmland Mapping <br />and Monitoring Project (FMMP), no Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland <br />of Statewide Importance is located on the project site or in the vicinity of the <br />proposed project. The FMMP designates the project site Urban and Built Up Land <br />(California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, <br />FMMP 2006). Therefore, no important farmland would be converted as a result of <br />the proposed project. No impact would occur. <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-15 <br />75D-72 ~85o2sso, <br />