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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />No Impact. The Williamson Contract applies to parcels consisting of at least 20 <br />acres of Prime Farmland or at least 40 acres of land not designated as Prime <br />Farmland. The California Department of Conservation indicates that there are no <br />Williamson Act Contract or Preservation lands on or near the project site (California <br />Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, Williamson Act <br />Program 2006). Therefore, no Williamson Contract lands would be removed as part <br />of the proposed project. The proposed project site is zoned as SP-2 -Specific Plan <br />(City of Santa Ana 2005) and designated GC in the NHSP (City of Santa Ana no <br />date). Therefore, the proposed project would not conflict with existing agricultural <br />zoning. No impact would occur. <br />C. No Impact. The proposed project would not disrupt or damage the operation or <br />productivity of any areas designated as farmland. As discussed above, no farmland <br />is located within the project site or within the surrounding areas that would be <br />affected by any elements of the proposed project. The project would not induce <br />growth that could result in the premature conversion of existing farmland in the area. <br />No impacts would occur. <br />III. Air Quality <br />A. Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project would not conflict with or <br />obstruct the implementation of applicable air quality attainment or congestion <br />management plans because the proposed project is accounted for in both the South <br />Coast Air Quality Management Plan and the Orange County Congestion <br />Management Plan. Therefore, the proposed project would result in a less than <br />significant impact. The project site is located within the 6,600-square-mile South <br />Coast Air Basin (Basin). The South Coast Air Quality Management District <br />(SCAQMD) is required, pursuant to the federal Clean Air Act, to reduce emissions of <br />criteria pollutants for which the Basin is in nonattainment (i.e., carbon monoxide [CO], <br />ozone [03], particulate matter 10 microns in diameter or less [PM10] and particulate <br />matter 2.5 microns in diameter or less [PM2.5]). As such, the project would be <br />subject to the SCAQMD's Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). The AQMP <br />contains a comprehensive list of pollution control strategies directed at reducing <br />emissions and achieving ambient air quality standards. These strategies are <br />developed, in part, based on regional population, housing, and employment <br />projections prepared by the Southern California Association of Governments <br />(SCAG). <br />SCAG is the regional planning agency for Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside, <br />San Bernardino, and Imperial Counties, and addresses regional issues relating to <br />transportation, economy, community development, and environment. With regard to <br />air quality planning, SCAG has prepared the Regional Comprehensive Plan and <br />Guide (RCPG), which includes Growth Management and Regional Mobility chapters <br />that form the basis for the land use and transportation control portions of the AQMP <br />and that are used in the preparation of the air quality forecasts and consistency <br />analysis included in the AQMP. Both the RCPG and AQMP are based, in part, on <br />projections originating with County and City general plans. <br />Although the proposed project would change the zoning and specific plan <br />designation of the project site, the proposed use of the project site would not be <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-16 <br />J&5 0296.01 <br />75D-73 <br />