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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />A-2 Less Than Significant Impact. Seismic hazard from ground shaking is typical for <br />large areas of southern California. However, the project is limited to interior and <br />exterior renovation of existing structures and does not involve new construction. All <br />demolition would occur in accordance with building and safety standards as specified <br />by the City Building Division. Potential impacts would be less than significant, and no <br />mitigation measures would be necessary. <br />A-3 Less Than Significant Impact. According to Exhibit A-7 of the Santa Ana General <br />Plan Land Use Element, the project site is located in an area of high-very high <br />liquefaction hazard (City of Santa Ana 1998:A-39). However, the project is limited to <br />interior and exterior renovation of existing structures and does not involve new <br />construction. All demolition would occur in accordance with building and safety <br />standards as specified by the City Building Division. Potential impacts would be less <br />than significant, and no mitigation measures would be necessary. <br />A-4 No Impact. The project area is generally flat and implementation of the proposed <br />project would not require slope cuts that could result in landslides. No unstable hills <br />or cliffs are located in the project vicinity. No impacts associated with landslides <br />would occur. <br />B. No Impact. The proposed project is currently developed and consists of large <br />amounts of impermeable surfaces (asphalt, concrete, and buildings) that are not <br />susceptible to erosion. Furthermore, low topographic relief on site is not significant; <br />therefore, no impacts associated with substantial erosion or loss of topsoil would <br />occur. <br />C. No Impact. The project site has been previously developed and does not contain <br />any unique geological or physical feature. No impact would occur. <br />D. Less Than Significant Impact. According to City of Santa Ana General Plan Land <br />Use Element, the proposed project is located on sensitive or unstable soil, in an area <br />of liquefaction or subsidence (City of Santa Ana 1998: A-40). However, the project is <br />limited to interior and exterior renovation of existing structures and does not involve <br />new construction. All demolition would occur in accordance with building and safety <br />standards as specified by the City Building Division. Potential impacts would be less <br />than significant, and no mitigation measures would be necessary. <br />_. No Impact. Sewer access is available throughout the project area. No septic tanks <br />or alternative wastewater disposal systems are included as part of the proposed <br />project. The project site would tie into existing subterranean sewer lines located <br />along Harbor Boulevard. No impacts would occur. <br />VII. Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br />A. Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. Implementation of <br />the proposed project may be associated with the disposal of hazardous substances <br />as a result of the demolition of the various structures. Development of the proposed <br />project would require the demolition of existing interior and exterior features on the <br />site. The buildings on site were constructed in 1965 and 1967 and no extensive <br />renovations to the existing structure have occurred since that time (Ni pers. comm.). <br />This indicates that the structures may contain asbestos-containing building materials, <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-20 <br />J&5 0296.0] <br />75D-77 <br />