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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />No Impact. The project site does not contain any biological resources that are <br />protected by local policies. Therefore, the project would not conflict with any local <br />policies or ordinances protecting biological resources. No impacts would occur. <br />V. Cultural Resources <br />A. No Impact. The project site does not have any structures listed on local, state, or <br />federal historic resource lists and have not been determined to be eligible for such <br />lists (City of Santa Ana 1998:A-54). Interior and exterior renovations of the structures <br />would not cause adverse changes or significance to historic resources. No impacts <br />would occur. <br />B. No Impact. The project site is located within an urbanized area and has been <br />disturbed by previous and existing development; therefore, it is unlikely that any <br />significant archaeological resources exist on site (City of Santa Ana 1998:A-53). No <br />impacts would occur. <br />C. No Impact. The project site is located within an urbanized area and has been <br />disturbed by previous and existing development; therefore, it is unlikely that any <br />significant paleontological resources exist on site. No impacts would occur <br />D. Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The project site is not known <br />to contain -human remains interred inside or outside formal cemeteries. The <br />proposed project site is not located on a cemetery or burial ground, is currently <br />developed; and has been disturbed in the past. The proposed project would include <br />only a minimal amount of grading associated with resurfacing of the parking lot. <br />Discovery of human remains is governed by state law, which requires stop of work <br />and reporting to authorities. <br />Although it is unlikely that human remains would be discovered at the project site, in <br />the event that human remains are discovered on the project site during construction <br />activities, Mitigation Measure CR-1 will reduce any unforeseen impacts related to the <br />discovery of human remains to below a level of significance. <br />CR-1 In the event that human remains are found on the project site, all work will <br />stop and the County Coroner will be called to assess the remains and <br />exhume them. In the event that the County Coroner recognizes the remains <br />as being of Native American origin, the County Coroner is responsible to <br />contact the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 hours. The <br />Commission has various powers and duties to provide for the ultimate <br />disposition of any Native American remains, as does the assigned Most <br />Likely Descendant. Sections 5097.98 and 5097.99 of the Public Resources <br />Code also call for "protection to Native American human burials and skeletal <br />remains from vandalism and inadvertent destruction." <br />VI. Geology and Soils <br />A-1 No Impact. According to the most recent Alquist-Priolo Zoning Map, no known fault <br />traces are located in the City of Santa Ana (California Department of Conservation, <br />California Geologic Survey 2006). No impact would occur. <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-19 <br />75D-76 ~85o2sso' <br />