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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />would add Transient/Residential Hotel as a conditionally permitted use within the <br />General Commercial district of the NHSP. <br />C. No Impact. The proposed project is located in an urbanized setting and no locally <br />designated species or natural communities are known to exist in the project area. <br />The site is not part of any habitat conservation plan or natural community <br />preservation plan. Therefore, no impacts would occur. <br />X. Mineral Resources <br />A. No Impact. There are no areas designated in the Surface Mining and Reclamation <br />Act of 1975 (SMARA) or existent oil fields within the City of Santa Ana (City of Santa <br />Ana 1998:A-44); therefore, no impacts would occur. <br />XI. Noise <br />A. Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The proposed project would <br />result in significant adverse impacts to interior spaces due to exceedance of the <br />noise standards set forth by the City of Santa Ana. Mitigation Measures N-1 through <br />N-4 will reduce impacts to below a level of significance. The following summarizes <br />the results presented in the California Palms Focused Noise Study prepared by <br />Synectecology. <br />Exterior Noise <br />The proposed project would include the conversion of a motel to a <br />transient/residential hotel. The use would be considered as ahigh-density residential <br />use and the City sets a maximum limitation of 70 decibels of A-weighted sound level <br />(dBA) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) for habitable exterior spaces. <br />CNEL is defined as the average A-weighted noise level during a 24-hour day, <br />obtained after addition of 5 decibels in the evening from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and <br />after addition of 10 decibels to sound levels measured in the night between 10:00 <br />p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Habitable exterior spaces are spaces outside of a dwelling that <br />can be used for living, sleeping, eating, or cooking (i.e. pool and BBQ areas). As <br />noted in the Noise Study (Synectecology 2005:5), the most prevalent source of noise <br />at the project site is from traffic traveling along Harbor Boulevard. The CNEL was <br />inferred to be about 58 to 59 dBA in exterior habitable spaces. <br />At buildout of the City of Santa Ana General Plan, traffic along Harbor Boulevard is <br />projected to increase from about 42,000 ADT to 47,000 ADT. This increase would <br />raise future noise levels by 0.5 dBA CNEL. Future noise levels in the habitable areas <br />would be raised accordingly, but would remain under 60 dBA CNEL (Synectecology <br />2005:13). Impacts to exterior habitable areas as a result of noise would be less than <br />significant. <br />Interior Noise <br />Monitoring in Room 462 located along Harbor Boulevard indicates an existing, in- <br />room CNEL of approximately 50.7 dBA. This level would be raised by about 0.5 dBA <br />to approximately 51.2 dBA CNEL at buildout. Based on a 45 dBA CNEL interior <br />standard, the impact of noise on the proposed land use would be significant <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-24 <br />75 D-81 J85 0296.0] <br />