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_ , <br />~ ~ Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />(Synectecology 2005:13). Mitigation Measures N-1 through N-4 would reduce <br />impacts associated with the increase in dBA contours in the interior habitable spaces <br />to below a level of significance. <br />N-1 All rooms will include forced air ventilation allowing the residents to leave <br />windows closed reducing interior noise level. <br />N-2 The developer will specify a minimum Sound Transmission Class (STC) <br />rating of 29 for all window and/or door assemblies that front Harbor <br />Boulevard (west facing). These windows and/or doors are to be well fitting <br />with vinyl (or equivalent) gaskets that form an airtight fitting. <br />I N-3 All exterior fittings that enter the structures (e.g., electrical conduits, HVAC <br />ducts) along Harbor Boulevard will be sealed with caulk such that the fittings <br />are rendered airtight. Any metal ductwork that is exposed to the exterior <br />I environment will be enclosed and insulated to avoid noise transference <br />j through the ducting. <br />N-4 Any in-room air conditioning units placed along Harbor Boulevard will be <br />placed in baffled enclosures reducing transmitted noise, but allowing airflow. <br />B. Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project would involve the renovation <br />and operation of an existing motel. Construction would be limited primarily to hand <br />tools and no large-scale use of heavy equipment would be required. Additionally, no <br />excessive groundborne vibrations or groundborne noise would be created by the <br />operation of the proposed project (Synectecology 2005:14). Though the project <br />would not result in a significant noise impact from construction activities, Mitigation <br />Measures N-5 through N-8 are recommended as project enhancement measures to <br />minimize noise generated during the construction phase of the project. These <br />measures are additional to adherence to existing codes. <br />N-5 All construction equipment will be in proper operating condition and fitted <br />with standard factory noise attenuation features. All equipment will be <br />properly maintained to assure that no additional noise, due to worn or <br />improperly maintained parts, would be generated. <br />N-6 Approved haul routes will be used to minimize exposure of sensitive <br />receptors to potential adverse noise levels from hauling operations. <br />N-7 To the degree feasible, construction equipment will be sited away from <br />adjacent residential land uses. <br />N-8 Hydraulic hammer attachments used in pavement and structure demolition <br />will be equipped with a silencing package. <br />C. Less Than Significant Impact. The project includes the conversion of an existing <br />motel to a transient residential hotel. Based on the trip generation value provided by <br />RK Engineering and using the Caltrans Sound32 Noise Model, it was found that the <br />increase in noise related to the increase in traffic associated with the change of land <br />use designation is so small as to be immeasurable (i.e., less than 0.5 dBA CNEL) <br />(Synectecology 2005:14). This is less than the significance criterion 3 dBA; <br />i <br />California Palms May <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-25 <br />JSS @96.0] <br />75D-82 <br />