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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />therefore, there would be a less than significant impact as a result of a substantial <br />permanent increase in ambient noise levels. <br />D. Less Than Significant Impact. Short-term noise impacts are impacts typically <br />associated with site preparation, excavation, grading, and construction of structures. <br />However, the project includes renovation of existing structures and heavy equipment <br />use would be limited. Most renovation would consist of remodeling and would occur <br />within the rooms. Renovation could make use of common hand tools as well as <br />small-scale pneumatic tools (e.g., nail guns). Local sensitive land uses include the <br />residential units that are located on the east side of the facility. The closest of these <br />units would be approximately 50 feet from the nearest renovation activities <br />(Synectecology 2005:14). <br />The municipal code recognizes that some forms of noise are required for urban <br />development and maintenance and are difficult to control. Section 18-314(c) <br />exempts noise sources associated with construction, repair, remodeling, or grading <br />of any real property, provided said activities do not take place between the hours of <br />8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or any time on Sunday or <br />a federal holiday. Compliance with the code is requisite and as such, is not <br />considered as mitigation under CEQA. While adverse, construction, when performed <br />in compliance with the requirements of the municipal code, is considered to be less <br />than significant. <br />E. Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is located approximately 4.5 miles <br />northwest of the John Wayne International Airport. The project is located to the west <br />of the established flight path and is beyond the airport's 60 dBA CNEL noise contour <br />(Airport Land Use Commission 2002). Implementation of the proposed project would <br />not expose the site occupants to excessive aircraft noise levels and no mitigation <br />measures would be necessary. There would be a less than significant impact. <br />XII. Population and Housing <br />A. No Impact. The proposed project includes the renovation of an existing motel <br />including a reduction of the number of units in the motel to make the project site <br />comply with Ordinance No. NS-2471. As some people residing at the motel use the <br />facility for short-term housing, the proposed project would create a more permanent <br />housing alternative to the motel. Although the proposed project would create a more <br />permanent housing facility for those who use the existing motel for short-term <br />housing, it would not create new jobs during operation because existing employees <br />would continue to manage the property. No additional homes or businesses would <br />be required to serve the residents at the transient/residential hotel. Also, no new <br />roads would be required to serve the residents. Therefore, the project would not <br />induce substantial population growth either directly or indirectly and no impacts <br />would occur. <br />B. Less Than Significant Impact. The project would reduce the number of units at the <br />motel from 207 to 190. This would displace the people who may use the 17 units as <br />short-term housing. This is a loss of less than 1% of the 73,002 (U.S. Census <br />Bureau 2000:Matrices H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, and H16) total housing units available in <br />the City of Santa Ana. Data from the U.S. Census for the City of Santa Ana indicate <br />that approximately 2.1% (U.S. Census Bureau 2000:Matrices H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-26 <br />J85 0296.OI <br />75D-83 <br />