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I ,-,- <br />- - Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />recreation facilities would reduce impacts to existing City recreational facilities, the <br />project applicant would be required to pay park impact fees to offset deterioration of <br />existing parks when residents use City parks instead of on-site recreation facilities. <br />The impacts would be less than significant because of the payment of park impact <br />fees and the presence of onsite recreation. <br />B. Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project replaces some paved areas <br />on site with lawns, and picnic and barbeque areas. It is not anticipated that the <br />removal of paving and the installation of lawns and picnic areas on site will result in <br />j an adverse physical effect on the environment. The impacts would be less than <br />significant. <br />XV. Transportation/Traffic <br />A. Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The project would result in <br />additional traffic on the local roadway network in the vicinity of the project site. The <br />trip generation study (RK Engineering Group, Inc. 2006) indicates that the existing <br />motel generates 1,165 daily trips. The proposed 190-unit transient/residential hotel <br />would generate 1,277 daily trips. <br />The City Engineer for the City of Santa Ana reviewed the trip generation study and <br />indicated that the additional motorists resulting from the conversion of the motel units <br />to long-term rental would be using the intersection of N. Harbor Boulevard and Kent <br />Street to enter and exit the project site. The City Engineer also indicated that a large <br />number of accidents occur at the intersection and that the risk of accidents would <br />increase due to the additional trips originating and ending at the project site. This <br />would result in a potential adverse impact to safety at the intersection of N. Harbor <br />Boulevard and Kent Street. Implementation of Mitigation Measures T-1 and T-2 <br />would reduce impacts to a less than significant level. <br />T-1 The project developer will contribute a fair share contribution coward the <br />installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of N. Harbor Boulevard and <br />Kent Street, in an amount determined by the City of Santa Ana Public Works <br />Department. <br />T-2 The project developer will install a right turn only sign facing motorists exiting <br />the site from the project site driveway closest to Kent Avenue. <br />B. No Impact. The Orange County Congestion Management Plan (CMP) states that "a <br />traffic impact analysis (TIA) will be required for CMP purpose for all proposed <br />developments generating 2,400 or more daily trips" and that "for developments which <br />will directly access a CMP Highway System link, the threshold for requiring a TIA <br />should be reduced to 1,600 or more trips per day' (OCTA 2005:61). The proposed <br />project will access Harbor Boulevard and Kent Street, which are not CMP facilities. <br />Furthermore, the proposed project will not produce more than 2,400 daily trips. <br />Therefore, no threshold would be violated and no impact would occur. <br />C. No Impact. The proposed project would not affect air traffic patterns. The project is <br />not located in the vicinity of an airport or private airstrip, nor would it include any <br />structures that would extend into the air and affect aircraft circulation. No impacts <br />would occur. <br />California Palms - May 2007 <br />Initial Siudy/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-29 <br />dos azss.o~ <br />75D-86 <br />