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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />D. Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. As stated in Section XV.A, <br />the City Engineer for the City of Santa Ana indicated that a significant adverse impact <br />would occur at the intersection of N. Harbor Boulevard and Kent Street as a result of <br />the proposed project. Implementation of Mitigation Measures T-1 and T-2 would <br />reduce impacts to this intersection to a Tess than significant level. <br />E. Less Than Significant Impact. The project would not result in inadequate <br />emergency access. Additionally, the project would not affect existing emergency <br />access routes. All appropriate fire and emergency access conditions would be <br />incorporated into the design of the project. Prior to final site plan approval, the <br />applicant will submit plans to the department for review of compliance with applicable <br />fire equipment regulations. Impacts would be less than significant. <br />No Impact. Section 41-1344 of the City of Santa Ana Municipal Code states that <br />"the minimum off-street parking requirements for hotels and motels are as follows: <br />one (1) space for each guest room, plus one (1) space for each ten (10) rooms, plus <br />two (2) spaces for a manager's unit, if provided". No manager's unit is provided as <br />part of the proposed project. The 190 rooms proposed as part of the <br />transient/residential hotel require 209 parking spaces. A total of 210 parking spaces <br />would be provided as part of the proposed project. This exceeds the amount of <br />parking required as part of the municipal code. There would be no impact as a result <br />of inadequate parking capacity. <br />G. Less Than Significant Impact. The project would not conflict with adopted policies, <br />plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation. No bike route is provided or <br />proposed along either Harbor Boulevard or Kent Street as part of the City of Santa <br />Ana Bikeway Master Plan (City of Santa Ana 2003). The project site is served by the <br />Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) bus route #47 along Harbor Boulevard and <br />route #66 along McFadden Avenue (OCTA. 20D6. Bus System Map). Additionally, <br />the project is within walking distance of a number of retail needs. No significant <br />impacts would occur. <br />XVI. Utilities and Service Systems <br />A. Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is located within the service area of <br />the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWOCB). The project would <br />not exceed the wastewater treatment requirements of the RWOCB. The site <br />currently generates municipal wastewater. The proposed project would not result in <br />the construction of additional building square footage; therefore, there would not be <br />an increase in wastewater generated by the project site. Wastewater treatment <br />requirements would not be exceeded and impacts would be less than significant. <br />B. No Impact. The project does not involve either new construction or the expansion of <br />existing onsite buildings. The project site would not generate any additional <br />wastewater; therefore, no new or expanded water or wastewater treatment facilities <br />would be required to accommodate the proposed project. No impacts would occur. <br />C. No Impact. Refer to Section XVI.B <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-30 <br />J&5 0296.07 <br />75D-87 <br />