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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />XVII. Mandatory Findings of Significance <br />A. Less Than Significant Impact. The project area is highly urban in character and <br />does not contain biological resources that would be affected by the implementation of <br />the project. Additionally, no cultural resources, either historical or prehistorical, are <br />expected to be affected by the construction or operation of the project. No significant <br />impacts would occur. <br />Less Than Significant Impact. The project would not result in impacts that are <br />cumulatively considerable. The City of Santa Ana identified two projects within the <br />vicinity of the proposed project. These projects include a 22,OOD square foot <br />commercial development at 421 N. Harbor Boulevard and a 44,000 square foot <br />commercial/office development at 520 S. Harbor Boulevard. The proposed project <br />has the potential to result in cumulative impacts in conjunction with these two <br />projects: <br />Implementation of the proposed project has the potential to temporarily increase <br />dust levels in the project area. The proposed project in conjunction with those <br />listed above would have the potential to contribute to a cumulative impact to air <br />quality in the project area. The mitigation measure identified in Section III.B <br />would reduce the significant air quality impacts associated with the proposed <br />project to a level of less than significant. Since it is unlikely that all activities <br />would occur in the same area at one time, increases in dust levels would be <br />dispersed and a significant air quality impact would not occur. <br />Implementation of the proposed project has the potential to result in the <br />disturbance of undiscovered cultural resources. In conjunction with the projects <br />listed above, the proposed project would have the potential to contribute to a <br />cumulative impact to cultural resources. It is unlikely that asphalt removal and <br />landscaping associated with the proposed project would uncover a major cultural <br />find because the project site is a previously disturbed area. The mitigation <br />measure identified in Section V.D would reduce the significance of impacts to <br />cultural resources associated with disturbance of an undiscovered cultural <br />resource. Other projects in the vicinity of the proposed project would be required <br />to implement measures similar to Mitigation Measure CR-1. As such cumulative <br />impacts associated with the proposed project would be less than significant. <br />Implementation of the proposed project may result in the disposal of asbestos <br />containing building materials, lead based paint, and PCB-containing lighting <br />ballasts. In conjunction with the projects listed above, the proposed project <br />would have the potential to contribute to a cumulative impact to hazards and <br />hazardous materials. The mitigation measure identified in Section VILA would <br />reduce the significance of impacts to cultural resources associated with disposal <br />of hazardous materials to a less than significant level. Hazardous waste that <br />may be found at other project sites would be disposed of according to local, <br />state, and federal requirements. Implementation of the mitigation measure <br />provided as part of the proposed project and implementation of other safety <br />measures in the cumulative scenario would reduce cumulative impacts <br />associated with the proposed project to below a level of significance. <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration - 3-32 <br />J85 0296.0] <br />75D-89 <br />