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~~ t ~'~ <br />~ ~ Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />D. No Impact. The proposed project would not involve either new construction or the <br />expansion of existing buildings. The number of residents on site would not increase <br />and the water required by the project site would not increase. Existing water <br />supplies serving the site are sufficient to meet the needs of the proposed project. No <br />new or expanded entitlements would be required to serve the project site. No <br />impacts would occur. <br />E. No Impact. Refer to Section XVI.B. <br />F. Less Than Significant Impact. The project would generate additional solid waste <br />as a result of the interior and exterior rehabilitation of the existing buildings. A <br />preliminary review of landfills currently serving the project area shows significant <br />remaining capacity. Santa Ana disposed of a total of 419,794 tons in the year 2004, <br />at a rate of 2 pounds/resident/day and 12.1 pounds/employee/day (CIWMB 1995). A <br />study of the area landfills and their remaining capacity is presented in the following <br />~ table. <br />I <br />Table 3-1. Remaining Capacity of Existing Landfills Serving the Project Area <br />~ Municipal Waste <br />I Closure Remaining Capacity Contributed by Santa Ana <br />Landfill Year (million cubic yards) in Year 2000 (tons) <br />Arvin 2008 2.2 23.0 <br />Bradley West and West 2007 4.7 4.0 <br />Expansion <br />Colton 2006 0.6 3.0 <br />Frank R. Bowerman 2022 63 290,175 <br />Olin <br />da Alpha 2013 38 74,965 <br />i <br />Prima Deshecha 2067 87.4 2,158 <br />Puente Hills #6 2013 62.3 2.p <br />Simi Valley Landfill and 2034 9.5 33.0 <br />Recycling Center <br />Remaining Capacity in System 267.7 <br />No additional residential waste would be generated by the proposed project. <br />Construction waste generated by the proposed project during rehabilitation of <br />- existing buildings would result in a temporary increase in the total construction and <br />demolition waste stream anticipated by the City of less than 1%. There is likely <br />sufficient current capacity to accommodate waste generated by the project. Less <br />than significant impacts would occur. <br />G. No Impact. The solid waste created by the demolition of the structures would be <br />i removed per local, state, and federal guidelines. No significant impact is anticipated. <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-31 <br />75D-88 <br />May <br />das ozss.a~ <br />