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City of Santa Ana Firm and Personnel Experience <br />Statement of Qualifications for Environmental Consultants and Project Experience <br />utilities, population and housing evaluations, and population subgroups. <br />Elaine Yang Ms. Yang is experienced with preparing environmental documentation for <br />Public Services and Utilities/ a variety of projects. She has assisted in the preparation of <br />Recreation environmental evaluations for residential, commercial, industrial, and <br />mixed use projects. Ms Yang has conducted assessments of public <br />Availability: 40% services and utilities, reviews of geotechnical and hydrological reports, <br />and preparation of aesthetic evaluations. She has also assisted in the <br />preparation of mitigation monitoring and reporting plans and findings of <br />fact documents. Furthermore, she has assisted in the preparation of an <br />airport compatibility analysis. <br />Michael Hendrix Mr. Hendrix has provided services associated with environmental <br />Air & Noise assessments, and traffic, air quality, and noise analysis since 1999. He <br />performed extensive research analyzing specific technical studies as they <br />Availability: 25% relate to CEQA analysis. Mr. Hendrix has a comprehensive knowledge of <br />air quality modeling and air quality studies to support CEQA documents. <br />He has successfully coordinated all aspects of a CEQA project from <br />inception through to the adoption of findings, and he has over thirty years <br />of experience in CEQA/NEPA document preparation, urban planning, <br />development entitlement processing, redevelopment, economic <br />development, public real estate finance, and municipal management. <br />Cori Wilson <br />Ms. Wilson has been involved in air quality modeling, geographical <br />Air & Noise <br />information systems, and authoring technical documents since 2003. As <br />an Assistant Project Manager at MBA, she has authored multiple air <br />Availability: 30% <br />quality reports, airport compatibility analyses, and assisted with the <br />preparation of multiple CEQA documents. Ms. Wilson has completed <br />coursework in air quality, water quality, soil science, environmental <br />chemistry, ecology, and energy policy. Ms. Wilson's interdisciplinary <br />education has given her a unique perspective in comprehending <br />interactions among scientific, social, political, and economical contexts of <br />environmental issues <br />Megan Jameson <br />Ms. Jameson has worked as a qualified Regulatory Analyst since 2004; <br />Jurisdictional Delineation/ <br />she has successfully negotiated Section 401, 404, and 1602 permits and <br />Permitting <br />mitigation requirements for projects located in Orange, Riverside, and <br />San Bernardino counties. She works closely with clients and regulatory <br />Availability: 20% <br />agencies to ensure efficient processing of applications, in order to find <br />solutions to project developments in riverine and riparian areas with <br />respect to environmental laws associated with the Federal Clean Water <br />Act, Porter -Cologne Water Quality Control Act, Federal Endangered <br />Species Act, and Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plans such as <br />the newly-adoptedWestern Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat <br />Conservation Plan. Ms. Jameson is a board member of the Orange <br />County Chapter of the Association of Environmental Professionals. <br />Scott Crawford <br />Mr. Crawford has obtained experience conducting herpetological, <br />Biological Resources <br />mammalian, and avian surveys in Southern California since 1994. He is <br />experienced in conducting jurisdictional delineation surveys and sensitive <br />Availability: 30% <br />plant surveys. Mr. Crawford has a federal permit to conduct surveys for <br />the California gnatcatcher, Quino checkerspot butterfly, and listed fairy <br />shrimp species. He also possesses extensive experience in conducting <br />I <br />surveys for other sensitive wildlife species including El Segundo blue <br />I <br />10 May 21, 2007 <br />